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DaisypathAnniversary Years Ticker

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

One Year Ago...

One year ago...Saturday, November 18th, 2006:
  • I woke up completely jazzed and talked Bob into going to Ikea to shop for living room tables. We asked if his mom wanted to come along, and we drove to South Philly. We had lunch there, walked and walked and walked. I felt great, only sitting down at lunch and once in the lighting department, and we headed home after several hours. I couched it and blogged while Bob assembled the tables.
One year ago...Sunday, November 19th, 2006:
  • Woke up feeling VERY different than the previous day. Very crampy, tired, and I remember the horrific sensation of having to go to the bathroom BAD all day, but finding it quite impossible because A) I didn't really have to go to the bathroom, I had to deliver a baby, and B) sitting upright hurt like Hell. I remember Bob finding me in the bathroom crying more than once. I remember debating on whether or not I wanted to go to Bob's parents or stay home, because I went back and forth between just feeling very uncomfortable, and feeling like death itself.
  • I remember Bob's insisting on starting to chart 'contractions', as if I were actually having them. I thought he was nuts, because there was no way I was in labor. Bob just likes to make charts, I figured.
  • I remember zoning out of most of the conversation at my in-laws, finding more signs that labor was imminent (or on top of me), and finally calling my not-too-convinced OB on call.
  • I remember practically putting my foot through the floor several times on the way home - this meaning that I had several contractions on the way home, and was actually very well into labor. Still denied it, because this was NOT labor was supposed to feel like. I took a shower, took a Benadryl, got waaaaaaay worse, and went to the hospital. An hour and a half later, I had my daughter.
One year ago...Monday, November 20th.
  • She came in a major a rush...well, she's never been particularly patient. :-)
  • She's changed my life in a monumentally good way. I'M more patient, happier, more tired, more busy, less selfish, have unbelievable multi-tasking skills, and I think I'm a much better teacher because of her; looking at my students not as the little snot-nosed whiners that they appear to be, but as someone's former little babies that they carried, birthed, diapered, and love as dearly as I do Maddie has made me handle them differently (besides, how do I want her teachers to treat her some day?)
  • It's scary, being a parent, because your heart is now out there, outside your body, with this little being who can get sick or hurt or bump her head repeatedly on the coffee table. You live each day differently, because have more to lose. But that's only because you HAVE MORE.
I'm one day late (I wanted to spend yesterday w/ the girl...and then clean up from her weekend party) but,


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Names, Names.

Your Scandinavian Name is:

Hilda Murray

Your Irish Name Is...

Shauna MacMahon

Your Japanese Name Is...

Mika Genji

Your 1950s Name is:

Priscilla Renee

Your French Name is:

Alavda Bugeaud

Your Italian Name Is...

Andria Rossi

Exotic Dancer Name Is...


Thursday, November 08, 2007


Here's how:
1] Take your answer to each question and type it into Google Image Search!
2] Post one of the images from the first page of results!

1. Age at next birthday:

2. Place you'd like to travel to:

3. Your favorite place:

4. Your favorite object:
5. Your favorite food:

6. Your favorite animal:

7. Your favorite color:
8. Town where you were born:

9. Town where you live:

10. Name of a past pet:

11. Name of a past love:
12. Your best friend's nickname:
13. Your screen name/nickname:
14. Your first name:
15. Your middle name: (and no, it's not 'Norma')
16. Your last name:
17. A bad habit of yours:
18. Your first job:
19. Your grandmother's name: (Peggy)
20. Your major in college: