She sleeps longer at night, she takes naps (some long, some not long enough), and she's often very happy gazing at the ugly but fascinating Symphony-In-Motion mobile. Bought it recently. Giant spinning black and white swirls, google-eyed farm critters bathed in fuchsia, orange, and lime green spots, and these neato plush beads that slide as it turns. It doesn't match the gorgeous nursery, but it lets mommy get important things done, like dishes and laundry and personal hygiene.

Well, the important thing is that much more is well. I still get stir crazy, restless, and downright ready to claw my way out the door come hell or high water, but I'm at least happy while I'm home, and enjoying Maddie more than ever. She's MUCH more fun now, anyway. Laughs and 'talks' and doesn't cry near as bad or as much when we put her in the carseat and attempt to actually drive somewhere. I feel bad, because as much as I read that you should never attempt to put a new baby on a schedule because it just won't happen, that's exactly what I want to do. I'm a scheduler, I like to know what my life is going to look like, day to day. Oh well. I'll try.
I also like to be able to put my feet up on the couch and actually blog. My poor husband hasn't had time to - although he throws himself into other projects instead. Like right now, he's programing his new Logitech universal remote.

My proudest accomplishment is actually having consistenly walked a lot lately. I actually walk all the way to my town's Wawa. Bob and I are on a budget, and I can't go dropping a couple of bucks every day at the Wa. I dig into spare change and a few extra bucks that go unaccounted for and buy a coffee and a cowtail when I get there - mapped out a good walking route and everything. Thank God for my somewhat all-terain stroller. Have to cut through a vacant lot, or the walk would be too long. Got caught in the rain last time and everything. I'm thinking of putting Maddie in the carrier, all bundled up, and walking like that sometimes too. There's this whole worrysome deal about the 'containerization of babies', how they're always buckled into something - stroller, swing, carrier, bouncy seat. And carriers and slings, that keep the little kiddos close and person with you, those are supposed to be better. For your baby, not your back.
Well, time to attempt to sleep a few hours before the next feeding. I predict...3 AM. Cross fingers for me that she'll sleep REEEAAAALY well. Like, 12 hours straight would be good.
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