Ok, one downside to ending the school year is that you have pack up EVERYTHING in your room and pretend that you don't teach in there 10 months of the year. And part of packing up is taking home all your personal stuff (yes, teachers bring in a ton of personal stuff for educational use, remember that when snobby people are whining about teachers getting paid too much.).
So let's start the annoying story: A fellow teacher about my age brought in a box of books from her childhood that she wanted to get rid of. This would also be known as my lucky day. I got a hardback copy of Charlotte's Web. A few Encyclopedia Brown mysteries. A Legend of Xanth novel, a bunch of Choose Your Own Adventures, a hardback Bobsy Twins, a Nancy Drew, a Trixie Beldon (my mom collects them) and few other oldies but goodies. And I put them in a plastic bag and put them next to my desk. Later I put my behind-the-desk trash can next to my desk (next to the bag) for the 5th grade partiers to put their trash in). And some other stuff I wanted to take home. A bottle of REALLY good lotion, a bottle of hand sanitizer, and the ultimate 2-DVD Anniversary box set of "The Sound of Music".
I had a bunch of things to take home that day, so left it at school. And it was gone this morning.
I guess my custodian thought it was garbage overflow. I shrugged it off, oh well, I just lost some free books (taken for a the someday-reading-pleasure of a 1 year old who can't read) so I didn't care that much. Then, tonight, sitting with Maddie and singing "Edelviess" to her, I realized. My DVD of "The Sound of Music" had bit the dust.

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