Thursday, August 31, 2006
VMA's are Beautiful
And the first award I see is for best Male Video - and there's Busta Rhymes featuring pretty much everybody on earth including I believe an old babysitter, Kanye West - who stole the blues standard "I Gotta Woman" for his piece of crap , Nick Lachey - excuse me while I puke - and James Blunt, for "You're Beautiful". Remember that? Love that song. I love a hot British guy telling me I'm beautiful every time I turn on the radio, frankly.
Did you know that the lyrics aren't really "She could see from my face that I was flying high"?
Yeah, he was "F*ckin' high", if you get the original recording. Which totally changes the meaning... he he.
And I'm SHOUTING at my TV to let Blunt win and knowing he won't because Hiphop runs MTV and has for a few years...
But he DOES win. Holy! And I now have 10% more faith in this stupid network that used to play music.
Oooh, and now Shakira is spending a good 20 seconds doing convincingly authentic Arabian dance before her song starts. Damn, and she actually stays on key while belly dancing. New respect here. I'm quite jealous of her famously truthful hips. ;-)
Do they use any over-dubbing for awards show performances, or can I actually be very impressed with Shakira right now?
And the Female Video: Ok, except for Nelly Furtado's song (which I hate only because it was a very annoying cell phone commercial), I would have no problem at all with Kelly Clarkson, Shakira, Christina Aguilera, or Madonna. Christina's video is the best, hands down. I believe I've blogged about that piece before. Kelly wins. Ok. The girl's got a voice on her.
Ewww ok naked Jackass 2 cast. What the hell is wrong with these boys...and why is that midget naked?
August 31st - RIP August!!! & family gathering
Actually the end of summer this year is for me kind of bittersweet.
I had an awesome summer. Best summer in...well, ever. No, seriously:
Last summer (2005) we moved into this house, dealt w/ the up-to-the-last-second stress that we wouldn't GET the house after negotiating for weeks, moved, and spent a week in California for my Dad's re-wedding (no major issues w/ Dad getting remarried, but it wasn't exactly stress or emotional baggage-free).
The summer (2004) before that we were comfortably in our old house, and we'd JUST gotten Max, so we were trying to train a new (gigantic) puppy in a tiny house, and I worked for this incredibly stupid day camp in Cherry Hill called "let's drop the over-privileged people's brats here with the disinterested, underpaid counselors and tell the music teacher she has to put on a show in 2 weeks w/ 30 minutes rehearsal a day, and by the way she's responsible for not letting it RAIN that day because there's nowhere else to put the show but outside" Or the name may have been "Cherry Hill Arts Camp". I forget. Eh, the money was excellent, the hours were lovely, the people were absolute crap.
And the summer before that (2003) we graduated from college, found an apartment, pulled off a pretty damn good wedding for 22-year-olds w/ some family help, worked in a WAWA deli, found and prepared for two decent teaching positions, and poor Bobby fell off a ladder at his 2nd job as a movie theater manager, and broke his arm VERY badly, had surgery, etc. We were nuts that summer.
So this summer was calm and easy-going, by comparison. Oh, and all summers previous to those aforementioned sucked because A) I was waitressing and B) not living with Bob. Or I was in High School dating ponytail-guitar boy. Well, we all need a ponytail-guitar boy in our lives at somepoint so we can appreciate a LOVING, CARING, HUMAN BEING when we start dating one of those next.
So we went over to Bob's grandparent's apartment last night. Bob's mom brought dinner (baked Ziti, which I had to be very careful of, with the GD) She thankfully made (store-bought *gasp!* ) meatballs that everybody picked on but I adore because I think they've got a lot more flavor than regular meatballs...and I was raised on store-bought stuff anyway. Bob was very sweet, slipping me an extra meatball...gotta have my protein, he says. In a more hormonal moment that would have made me cry, I think.
There were 9 of us around that kitchen table...Grandmom, Grandpop, Bob's Mom, Bob's Dad, Nick, Laura, Sean (her bf who we all like and approve of and I'm sure has the older female relatives considering a nice July wedding two years from now), Bob, and me. It was quite ruccus, the conversation monstly centered around tales of Uncle Frank, my father in-law's older, wilder brother. See, Frank did it all, from alcohol to drugs to girls to fast cars to stealing the giant cigar from the Moe statue on top of Pep Boy's. Chemical imbalance there, I say. Well now he has 3 wilder kids to contend with. I won't even get into their issues, that's not quite such a source of family pride. Although the one that's our age has the sweetest-looking little 3-year old daughter.
At one point in the conversation about Uncle Frank's habbits, someone said, "Pot". Well dear Grandmom who apparently can't hear much anymore says loudly, "oh, no, I wouldn't have hit him with THAT, it would have hurt his head!"
...'bout peed myself.
Well today is another do-nothing day. Oh now, pardon me, we have a termite inspection at 10:00 AM. Whoo-freakin'-hoo. These overcast, cold, somewhat rainy days are starting to get to me. Today would have been a great day to go down the shore one last time, too. Oh well.
Must do something productive cleaning out the cedar chests and getting the summer to-do list all checked off. And do I really want to do that? No. Cause if the list is done...then summer's over. And we're back where we started.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

MAN was I in a funk today.
I blogged this morning, what am I doing blogging again?
NOTHING, that's what. Cause all I got accomplished was a steaming heap of grade-A, certified NADDA today.
At least that's how I feel. Ok, I walked on the treadmill, did the dishes, blogged, watched too much TV, and read. But that's not doing something. I guess I could add "gestated" to the list.
See, I have this thing about doing something. I have to do something, go somewhere, have something to fill in the blank with when I say at the end of the day, "Today I ________". This is a sick and twisted little quirk of mine, this need to be able to claim some kind of day's activity, and I don't know how good it'll be for me in the months ahead.
For you see, dear peeps, I am not the "Stay At Home Type". I see all these blinkies with "I love my kids more than work. Proud SAHM (stay at home mom)" and my knee-jerk reaction is Lord, better you than me, lady! And how horrible is that? I'm SOOO psyched about having a baby, soooo ready and impatient and thrilled, but I'm not 100% sure that I'll particularly enjoy the day in and day out of seeing nothing but the inside of my house.
"Oh, you'll take her to the park, the store, the mall" they all say. Yeah, 'they' have apparently not napped and fed and burped and changed and pacified and bundled up an infant for the March weather and then managed to do something with her while they crated the 100 lb. Labrador retriever so they could go to the store and get out of the house when their husband is coming home soon and could easily stop and get the necessary jar of pickles himself. Not that I've done all of that either, mind you, but I've been schooled by several mommies, and frankly, let's be realistic here. You don't throw 'em in their car seat and go. There are procedures here. This is a project. One that spells a lot less time out of the house. My inactivity today might have something to do with the fact that I feel, as I believe I've said before here, like freakin' SHAMU (sp?) and have little to no energy at times. (And other times I'm bouncing off the walls, but who's counting?) But I was just a depressed little mess earlier!
Of course there were tons of other mini-things bothering me. The only one of the dozen or so I care to mention is that summer's over next week and the weather won't stop being crappy. Oh, and we were having tacos and I SO did not feel like tacos of any kind. Yeah, me. The Mexican Food Vacuum. That's how you know I was nuts. And that's how I know I'm not me, when a dinner I'm not in the mood for makes me all wussy.
So during my bi-monthly irrational crying jag I lamented all this and of course I'm less worried now that the preggy hormones have waned. It's sick, you're sitting there thinking, "This is not a big deal. This is stupid. Wait, what am I crying about again?" and you seriously don't know, but you still cry. It's called crazy-ass-hormone-woman, and she takes over once every few weeks. I also blame her for the obsession with all things at Baby Depot, and...hey, didn't my bra used to FIT?
Poor Bob. Except for the bra thing.
Early Morning Christina Aguilera
He leaves, and I pour myself the 2 oz. of coffee (and I'm not kidding) that I allow myself every few days...hear that? That's the sound of health-hysterical pregnant women everywhere fainting and hitting the floor. Friggin' zealots. I'm third trimester and it's pre-7AM! Baby's genetically predisposed to have a coffee addiction anyway. I crash on the couch, and turn on the tube. And of course I don't want to hear about this psycho who may or may not have killed the poor little girl who'd been poured into beauty contest costumes her whole life, and I can't do Katrina Anniversary news this early with my raging hormones, I don't have enough tissues in the house. After the Jesus Freaks and perky exercise people, VH1 seemed an obvious choice.
And here's this Christina Aguilera video - I'm assuming it's her new song, I'm woefully out of the MTV generational loop. "Ain't No Other Man".
My Dad shocked me the other day by mentioning that he bought her new album and really likes it. So I thought perhaps I'd give her a chance before flipping to the Discovery Health channel and crying through "An Adoption Story".
The video starts w/ what may or may not be an authentic blues song, sung Billie-style, and I'm intrigued. Then we break into the actual song with a backbeat, obviously more modern. Christina does one of those "oooh-oh-oho-oh"'s where she moves her jaw to change notes - a big no-no as I understand vocal training, but the girl CAN sing, so whatever. It's a different style.
There's trumpets and trombones. Like, ON the screen and in the music. Ok, you have me. And it's all very prohibition-era chic. Love it.
I'm impressed when any pop music uses actual brass tracks-and actual brass musicians-to thicken their sound. It sounds real to me, anyway (as in, non-synthesized, somebody with chops actually got paid for recording the samples). Good stuff.
I'm watching and contemplating how many pins it's taking to hold the little black hat onto her head while she jerks her blond curls around gloriously to the "break it down" section, when it occurs to me that we haven't seen a white dancer yet except Christina. Seriously. One or two, maybe, depending on how dark your TV set is. It's an all-black jazz club. And their queen bee is a skinny white chick. Interesting. Ok, she's of enough Hispanic origin to claim it, yes. I'm talking sheer appearances here, people.
No please don't get me wrong - I have no issue with that, there WERE all-black jazz clubs, and they were, from what I've been taught, the place to hear the real music of the times. Were there white singers there? Um...I'll have to get back to you on that. Maybe?
And it's not the historical accuracy that strikes me, but rather that if you close your eyes, Christina's 'black', too. You know how you can often tell a person's race by the timbre of their voice? Well she does NOT have the voice a former Mouseketeer. Damn, girl. Not even close.
Nothing breathy or nasal about her, and I VERY much appreciate that. Not that those qualities don't have their time and place. But I wonder if that was intentional:
"Christina sings 'black', let's make it an all-black jazz club". Or the choice of the dancers' ethnicity supposed to appeal to all the suburban middle-class white children (that I teach) who are under the impression that the only cool music is 'urban' (black) music? Or are they making Chistina palatable to the black demographic? Or both?
I did notice that when she actually interacted with a man in the video, HE was white. So I guess we're not going to cross the interracial line, huh? See, that I was a little disappointed about. What, she can dance and party with black women but she can't have a black man?
Eh, I really have to stop over-thinking stuff that's on early-morning VH1. Either way, I like the song, I like the arrangement, I like the video, and although I have no voice aspirations of my own beyond exhibiting a good vocal model for the K-5 set, I'm jealous of that girl's pipes. I actually checked out a live version on youtube, and she does NOT suck.
Right after the video - stylistic coincidence? - they do a news break about Usher jumping into the role of Billy Flynn in" Chicago" on Broadway. Well, Usher's another one that can actually sing. *F you, Brittany* Interesting... I would really like to see that. I think.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
August 26th - In Sam's Club & my PJ's
Yesterday...hmmm...I remember there BEING a yesterday, just not much of what I did. Oh! I know! I sat on the couch w/ my notebook on my lap and watched TV for a while. Two screens.
OH! Good Lord! Yesterday (and the day before) each felt like 2 days in one. Seriously, one of those "wait, was that this morning or yesterday that I _____?" moments. Duh. Ok, got it together now:
Yesterday we had our 3rd growth scan, and a happy little 27 week old baby was actually willing to behave and give the tech what she needed. The tech was VERY business-like. No trying to get cute profile shots, no printed-out pictures, even! *wah!* Some of these techs don't realize that A) we pregger women are hormonal and needy and B) we know how to kill a person with an ultrasound transducer in a way that would make McGuyver proud. Eh, anyway, we got no pics, but baby is fine. She was measuring a tad big - somewhere in the 28 1/2 week range. That put her in the 68th percentile for growth & development, which immediately freaked me out. I started picturing an early C-section or a hellish 30-hour labor and resulting in the episiotomy from Hell. Nope. The very sweet perinatologist said they don't even begin to worry until the baby enters the 90th percentile. Ok, so we've got some wiggle room before my child is perceived as the incredible hulk or one of those freaky giant babies they bring on Jerry Springer. Love it.
She was in the breech position, though, which 'is not unsuual' at this time, but 'could become a concern if she doesn't change position in the next 8 weeks'. Flip, baby, flip! She was head-down last month, and she moves like it's her job. I'm not worried yet. I have no clue how a 2 1/2 pound ANYTHING could poke me in the ribs so forcefully, though. Oh, and she's still doing the cervix shuffle, too. That's a sensation everyone should experience before they try to use the word "WEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIRD" with any kind of authority.
So we came home from the growth scan and chilled most of the day. Made my grandmother's recipe for Poppyseed Chicken, which we affectionately refer to as "Chicken Cracker Surprise", and then headed to *drumroll, please*
We thought it was $100+ at least for a membership into the land of giant vats of mayo. Nope, $40 a year, and I highly recommend it. No, we're not a family of 8, but if you plan well and buy wisely , that place can save you MUCHO MOOLAH! Holy crap, the meat prices alone! $2-something a pound for steak!!! You just have to first make sure that it is actually cheaper than buying each item at your regular store. And never buy something unless you're sure that you'll use it up before it goes bad (if it goes bad at all.) We bought memberships and walked slowly around the whole store, just checking things out. It's a pretty darn big store. High ceiling, huge shelves, big products, cart the size of a small SUV...I felt like a 4-year old.
Then we went grocery shopping at our regular haunt, Wal-Mart. Yeah, we apparently love the Waltons. Well, they put stores near my house, what can I do?
That was pretty much Friday.
Saturday (oops, that's today, isn't it?) was a laundry day, TV & computer day, reading day, relaxing in these lovely giant soft sweatpants I got at Fashion Bug for a whopping $7 day (hey, I'll fit into them no matter how big my little baby elephant grows!) but I was feeling a tad blah and wanted out of the house. I did feel some awesomely strong jabs in the ribs after lunch. Just my right side. She leaves my left side completely alone. And Bobby got to feel them, too, which is so cool, cause it means somebody else knows I'm not crazy and imaginging these pokes and stretches from within. *Alien movie flashbacks!*
Bob suggested going to Sam's Club (again? Yes, again!) and this time pricing things so we could compare the unit prices to that of Wal-Mart and figure out exactly which products are best bought and which store. Yeah, we're that organized.
Wait, it gets better: we do a weekly 'meal planner'. In other words, we figure out what we're going to cook for each meal, breakfast-lunch-dinner, 7-days a week, ahead of time. Then we have a shopping list on the same sheet of paper, and we go through meal by meal and check off the groceries needed to make that meal. This results in very little "well we were going to have chicken but oops I forgot to buy chicken so let's go to McDonald's" and very little impulse-buying. Well we decided to switch to a MONTLY meal planner. This will help a lot when we're trying to deal with a new baby, knowing stuff far ahead of time like that. We're figuring on our usual Friday-night trips to Wal-Mart (we have a super-center, by the way, so it's a grocery store too) and a montly Saturday trip to Sam's Club. Saturdays are best because we have fewer commitments and there are ladies giving out free samples of all kinds of yumminess, I discovered today. Whole cookies! Mmmmm...sorry, pregnant-girl reared her hungry head.
So we make this month-long planner and figure out what groceries we need and which store to get them at, going to Sam's the first week of the month and stocking up on all the not-very-perishable goodies at crazy low prices we can - their medicine prices were insane, too - and then go to Wal-Mart and get the other goods. Sam's also had a very good price on diapers and, should we need it, formula. (For anyone who doesn't know, yes, breastfeeding best but sometimes it doesn't work out. I firmly resolved to avoid all the early mistakes, stay healthy, and MAKE it work...but I sometimes don't get my way. That's where formua comes in. With dollar signs attatched. )
So Monday is pasta night and Tuesday is Mexican night (I love Tuesday night already), Saturday is fish - cause you have to buy fish fresh and then use it quickly and we shop on Fridays. Is it less than spontaneous? Yes. Predictable and potentially boring? Yeah, all right. But will it help me somehow get the spit-up off my face and dinner on the table come winter? Damn straight. And most importantly, it makes us stick to a budget. I'm telling ya, want to have money for anything big? Like a car, a house, a kid, etc.? Budget now. Sock it away, baby. I'm really glad we're doing this, and doing it NOW, so we can get into the swing of things before things get hairy. It was Bob's idea, btw. I'm just the beauty behind the brains. He's awesome at planning this kind of stuff and making things run well. My smarty hubby!
But I digress. I'll close with a list of free samples obtained at Sam's Club today, as an inspirational message:
Chicken sausage w/ asparagus & mozerella inside
Nacho cheese on 2 chips
Whole chocolate chip cookie
Cherry tomatoes w/ some kind of basil-ranch dipping sauce
Dill cheese on a cracker
Pepperoni Pizza.
Ah, the power of free food.
So that was today and yesterday. Growth scan, lounging, Sam's Club w/ free food.
Viva Summer.
This week's sarcasm, I mean, ticker!

Gotta love it. Except I'm already in New Jersey. So I guess I won't have to kick the idiot very far.
Actually, I kind of like when people ask how I'm feeling. Of course nobody wants to hear that you feel like an elephant and, honest-to-God, have to pee every 15 minutes. So I just usually say, "Great!" or "fine, thanks" and cheerfully point out that miraculously my ankles are not swollen a bit yet. *knock wood*
I'm waiting, though. 90 days left.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
August 24th - Dad goes home & SLEEPY
Dad had to be at the airport at 6:30 AM or so. Well we all got up and ready to go, and we looked for his flight online to see if it was running on time. It wasn't there! We called the airport, and the recording said they had no record of the flight number! Dad finally got through to a real person who was very unhelpful, and kind of criptic. He kind of sounded like he was reading from a script. It came out that there was a 'security issue' with the flight, or something, and the guy couldn't give Dad any info over the phone, but told him to come to the airport for the flight anyway.
We dropped him off easily at Philadelphia airport at the Delta gate, and just like that, off he went to California! It caught me off gard, he'd just gotten there less than 48 hours before, and I only see him twice a year, if we're lucky. I never realized how much I miss talking to him and having him around. I'm usually perfectly ok with him living in California, but today it really bothered me. I was kind of bummed for a good part of the morning. It's also the last 'thing' of the summer, with visits and trips and stuff happening like crazy recently, it was a lot of this, "well now what?" feeling. I also just missed Dad, I guess.
I thought I'd go back to sleep after we got home, but I ended up relaxing with Bob on the deck and having lunch out there first - it's been so nice lately outside. We were starved by 10:30 so lunch was a tad early. THEN it was naptime. But not before I found "To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar" on the Bravo network and watched the whole thing, because let's face it, Patrick Swayze in drag is not to be missed. Then there was much sleep.
I woke up feeling like it was middle of the night (it was 4:30) and finally got a shower...yeah, I value sleep more than being clean some mornings, ok?
Bob made sauce...mmmm, Bob's sauce... and I sat and filled out the first few pages of the baby book while he cooked. That got us to talking about 'how we met' because of the "How Mommy and Daddy met" page, and Bob actually got out old emails from those days, and we walked down memory lane. Ah, the good old days. It seems sooo long ago! Well, this September it'll be 7 years we've been together...GEEZ we're old fogies! Well, it's been a lovely 7 years, for sure. :-)
On a slightly more interesting note, it's getting harder to type with this laptop on my lap. First of all, I have an increasingly smaller lap every day, it seems. But lately if I rest the laptop against my tummy at all, it moves. Yes, the laptop gets bumped just enough to kind of mess up my typing. By my kid. Who, by the way, is 27 weeks baked tomorrow.
Third Trimester.
Holy freakin' mother of everything.
Tomorrow we have a growth scan at Virtua at 11AM. We'll see how baby's growing, if her development is on schedule. They check this every 3-4 weeks with GD patients, beause babies of moms with GD tend to grow too big too fast, and that causes all sort of potentially life-threatening issues. She was measuring right on last time, August 1st, and had no heart problems visible on the fetal echo. It's SO exciting to get to see baby at these monthly scans. She always shocks us with how much she's grown...and how much she moves, although I'm quite aware of how much she moves now. Hence the bouncing keyboard. But although it feels like Christmas morning to get to see a picture of our daughter, we're actually there to check for issues in growth and development because of the there's always that bit of nervousness and "what if?" feeling, too.
Ha! My whole stomach just jerked! Well, she's apparently got healthy legs, at least!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
August 22nd - Dad's Here!
Cait arrived around 2, and we all hung out and decided what to do for the evening. Dad really wanted to buy something for the baby off our registry, so I printed it out for him. He picked the most expensive thing on there!!! Not that we're not absolutely thrilled to have the Graco Travel System. But that was one of those things I thought people would get together on, and all chip in. It's a baby carrier, a carseat, an infant stroller and a toddler stroller, all in one box! Gotta love that. Dad was happy because we're definitely going to get good use out of it. And we can tell baby that "Grandad got you this carrier/carseat/stroller!"
Then we went out to Peter's Diner - again, if you're ever in South Jersey, you must try it. Insane amount of food, always leftovers for lunch the next day, and the prices are more than decent.
I got the Mahi Mahi. That's right, I eat fish! (Just not swordfish, shark, and tuna...and some others. And don't get me started on the feta cheese that I miss so much.)
We came home and finally got to show Dad the DVD of our wedding (thank you TUG, about 3 years late!) and we then started in on the Simpsons Season 8 DVD's. Classic stuff, I forgot about that season. The "Bart's Gay" episode alone is golden.
Today we're playing it very low-key. Cait has to leave shortly because she works in G'burg tonight, and she's meeting "the boy" for coffee in Philly on her way... Dad's probably still pretty tired, he just got up now. But then again, to his body it's only 8:30 in the morning. We have to drop into Bob's folks' house to have Bob sign a loan paper for Laura - he's co-signing on a loan for her for school, since he's got really good credit. And that way my dad can come over and say "hey" to Bob's parents...well, his mom at least. And we can show him the tiki hut that we're all quite proud of.
Right now Cait's swimming and Max is whining, and we're hanging out on the deck. Bob's doing school-prep work and talking to his Grandpop on the phone, and Dad's in the shower inside.
And baby's kicking. HOLY CRAP was she kicking last night. I'm actually sore on my right side, just leftover from being her punching bag. I guess she's lying sideways now, or something, I had to have two little feet stuck in my side for 3 hours last night. I can't imagine that her little arms and hands are that strong yet. I'm going to try to get her to kick for Grandad today, while he's here. Hopefully crazylegs will cooperate.
I realized this morning that 10 weeks ago was almost the end of the school year, the beginning of summer. Not that long ago, summer flew by. And 10 weeks from now...
baby could come at ANY minute. I'd be almost 37 weeks, that's full-term.
Holy freakin' frijoles!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Fabulous Ticker
Anyway, she had a rough time when she was preggers w/ her two kids, and she actually worked with the people from baby-gaga (only us pregnant wackos know of it) and made a very accurate ticker. :-) (Pregnancy tickers count up your days, weeks, and trimesters, and some give you baby development info.) They're usually things like: "26 weeks 3 days. You might be able to hear baby's heart beat if you put your eat to mommy's tummy."
I like hers better:

Monday, August 21, 2006
Mozart for the kiddo
And what's weird...I think she likes it. Hell, she's moving like crazy.
On to the overture from "Marriage of Figaro".
My kid's gonna be S-M-R-T smart, baby.
If she starts kicking me to the beat I'm stopping, though. (A sign that she's already smarter than most of my 1st graders!)
August 21st - My Bad Dog & Dad's Coming

Ah, a lovely day at home. Well, there was work to be done, but it got done, so who cares.
See, Dad's coming tomorrow, all the way from California. He's flying out at 9:55 their time, so 2:55 AM our time. He has a 2-hour stop-over in Atlanta, and then he flies into Philly tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM. Yep, he's taking the red-eye. All the way from sunny CA. To see me. Pregnant. Seriously, that's why he's coming. I mean, it's AWESOME that he's coming, it's just a little weird, like I feel like I have to look GOOD and pregnant tomorrow, or something. Which, with the right shirt on, I definitely do. It's just that when people think of pregnant chicks, they picture what they look like at 9 months, not 6 1/2 months. Sounds ridiculous, but I hope he isn't disappointed in my tumminess.
So today we had to get the house into shape, and get some freakin' fruits and veggies from Produce Junction, and generally putter and relax.
I vacuumed the pool, cleaned the house, watched TV, surfed, and read. God, I love summer. It's sweet. Of course I feel bad that Bob's upstairs 'doing the floors' right now. (That means using the Hoover Floormate on all our hard floors, which is most of the house.) He did all the outside stuff - mowing the front, weedwhacking, blowing, etc. and made dinner. I did the bathrooms, dusted, straightened, made up the guest room, prettied up the baby's room, and vacuumed the pool. It was a little too cold out there in the pool after it got dark. Fall is coming???
Let's see, what else is going on?
Hey, I got BLINKIES!!! Bobby showed me how.
Switch gears - Oh my GOD do I miss cereal. I haven't had cereal in months. I'm totally buying cereal and having it as a snack, not breakfast, cause that would be forbidden.
And Nachos. I want nachos. Big-ass, shredded chicken nachos with melted cheddar and lots of jalapeno slices. Bring it, baby.
Ok, hormonal cravings wave over.
Well, I guess we're going to finish up the house, do a little computering, and chill for the night.

She is, however, standing on my bladder.

Sunday, August 20, 2006
August 17th - 20th - Visit to G'burg & Baby Shower

We were both so zonked after the trip that we went to bed at 9 last night! (About 3 1/2 -4 hours before our usual bedtime.) We had a very nice time in G'burg, for the most part. I think we actually sleep TOO well, and then we end up with all kinds of aches and pains. It's REALLY dark in my mom's basement, you have no idea what time of morning it is, you could sleep till 3 in the afternoon!

So I made a pig of myself with the deviled eggs and we got several nice outfits for baby, cute toys, our pack & play, and soft carrier. (See Bob modeling!) It was very nice.
Well, anyway, we were very happy to have our shower, since we need all the help we can get with all the baby gear and clothes. And we already took the pack & play out and set it up. See, you get a new toy, you have to play with it.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Observations on This Whole Pregnant Thing
And here they are, in no particular order:
*Somewhere a porn star is missing her breasts.
*I'm terrified of putting on real shoes, your feet spread like pancakes in a hot griddle and haven't worn anything but flip flops in over 2 months.
*Feet? Wait, I was able to see my feet two months ago?
*Painting my own toenails WAS my major accomplishment for the day, yesterday. And man did I feel good about it. Good and tired.
*Any magazine with "baby" in the title will grace your coffee table, and you won't be the one who picked it up off the news stand.
*You will at one point have to tell a relative to STOP buying baby clothes. At least until the baby's born. Baby's not wearing them out like crazy at this point.
*No matter how many practical, low-priced baby gear items you put on your registry, you will receive at least half a dozen silver plated birth certificate holders. And, like all sane people, you will eventually put your kid's birth certificate in the fireproof strong box with the passports, anyway.
*Touching a pregnant woman's stomach is thought to bring good luck. I think it also brings broken fingers.
*A college-educated, intelligent woman will spend hours pouring over consumer information regarding the pro's and con's of the latest model of fisher price potty.
*Anything makes me cry. Anything. Nothing. "Everybody Loves Raymond", for instance.
*Your stomach will vibrate, swell, and undulate like that famous scene from "Alien", and you'll think it's the coolest thing in the world.
*When I cry at "Seinfeld", I should probably be medicated.
*Going to the bathroom upwards of 14 times in one day... is a GOOD day.
*A good night = only 3 bathroom trips, by the way.
*I actually got sick of talking about baby stuff about 3 days before my mother. Yes, it does happen. And the next morning you wake up normal and in an estrogen-induced baby craze again.
*I ate a nice big dinner, a nice big snack, and I still want food. You pretty much always want food.
*I've lost 10 pounds in the past 2 months, and yet, I pretty much always want food.
*Except when the thought of food sends you packing. Like when you gag into the sink when your husband asks what you want for breakfast.
*You're sweating while you're shuffling around the air-conditioned mall at 1 mph, and hey, if that isn't "light to moderate excercise", what is?
August 15th & 16th - Tons and then nothin'
Honestly, I'm prepared to start the year on a cart - we were told that was a distinct possibility if the school wasn't done and we had to room-in with another school in the district. Even if the school is ready in a month - which is probable, without more set-backs - I don't know HOW they're going to get all that done in my room and have it ready on the 18th. Yeah, it may be me waddling down the hallway with a cart for a week or two anyway. Yippee. At least it'll be at MY school, where even if I don't have my own room, I have friends and can crash in their rooms for a nap whenever. (I will be 7 + months pregnant and I'm sure feeling OH so walrus-like by then.)
Boy, that was a school-related tangent. Off we went then to the doctor's, still marveling at the bitchiness of my fellow teacher. We got there majorly early, but the good thing about my OB practice is they usually take you early, too. Well we were seen for the ultrasound pretty quickly, and the tech asked why we were scheduled for one when we'd just had a full growth scan on the 1st, and we were scheduled for our next on the 25th - 10 days away. I said I had no idea, except that the tech at the practice (not the hospital where they do my growth scans) said that they couldn't get the cord and the spine. Well apparently they got it fine at the hospital on the 1st, and she kind of asked if we wouldn't mind not having one. Considering the sore spot on my hip had just recently gone away from the pumelling I took on the 1st, I was like, THAT'S FINE, BYE! It's so amusing, in the beginning I would have been sorely disappointed if we went in and didn't get an ultrasound. Now I'm like, "whatever, see you in a week and a half". I think knowing it's a girl helps.
The appointment with the doctor was fine - a MALE doctor, how weird! Actually, he was fine. We asked him our round of questions which I will spare any readers now, and we got good answers to them all. Everything was fine; I worry about my blood pressure creeping up since pre-eclampsia is such a concern with gestational diabetes patients, but it was fine.
Oh, and I lost 8 pounds. Yep, that makes 10 in two months. Why the hell couldn't I do this when I WASN'T pregnant? My mom says that they tell you that babies take up 300 extra calories a day, but that's just an average, and many, like my sister, take up much more. Mom lost weight until her 8th month with Cait. Bring it, baby. As long as she's growing well, I SOOO don't mind not having any baby weight to lose. I'll have a ton of MEG weight to lose anyway. Hopefully nursing will take care of that, I hear it's fabulous for taking the pounds off, since it burns upwards of 500 calories a day extra. Again, BRING IT, baby! It would be SO nice to come out of this baby thing a smaller size than I did going in. (After she's a year old or so and I have to start thinking about baby #2 soon!)
So after the appointment we went to Hallmark to update Bob's mom on baby's progress. She told me that the baby shower requested guest list I gave her was a BIT too much, since it's going to be a house shower. I don't mind that much. I just cut most of my school friends off, since I'll have a school shower anyway. There are some people that I just HAVE to invite, because they're out-of-school friends as well, and that cut the list down nicely. I also hadn't heard from several old friends who I'd written to to ask for updated addresses, and she wants to send invites out ASAP, so I guess they're off, too. Oh well. Most of them live far away and wouldn't be able to come anyway. I'm just psyched that A) I know about the shower so I can make sure I don't look like crap and B) Bob will get to be there and open gifts. Plus he'll get to eat the yummy shower food too.
THEN we went home and napped and two packages arrived; one from my Dad, the 8th season of "The Simpsons" on DVD, a little 'thank-you-in-advance-for-having-me' gift (he's visiting next week from CA!) and a package from Pfaltzgraft (sp?) of extra dishes for our pattern that my mother odered while she was here last week. I LOVE them, even though I wish she hadn't spent the money. 2 little baby dishes in our pattern too!
THEN I met my friend Cathy, another music teacher in the district, at the mall. We were both in a "let's get out of the house and not spend too much money doing it" mood. She brought her little girl, Kayla along, who's 2 1/2, and let me tell ya, the BEST behaved toddler I've ever met, hands-down. Ok, have you ever met a toddler who would say 'excuse me' when she wanted to tell you something and you were talking to her mom? I rest my case. And potty-trained in a week. Damn, girl. I was like, "Kathy, will you please come teach a parenting class?" So we ate at the food court and shopped for maternity clothes together - she's 14 weeks preggers with her 2nd!!! and just walked - slowly - around the mall together. We were both sweaty and out of breath by the end, because we're pregnant chicks and that's pretty much your life, especially when walking around a big mall twice. Her husband is a band director, too. And she plays horn, he plays trumpet. It's uncanny, some of the things we have in common with this couple. Oh, and if we had had a kid right after we got married like they did, ours would be about Kayla's age and we'd be baking #2 right now instead of #1. But it's nice to have another person to pump for baby info. She asked me if it had occured to me that I was actually going to have to push this kid out of me in 3 months. Um... surpressing urge to scream and run away now...
After I came home we made dinner - rubbed chicken and peppers on the grill with mashers - and ate on the deck, we ran out to ShopRite to get some icecream for Bob. He's been a VERY good boy with all this health-eating crapola, he deserves to have some icecream in the house that doesn't say "Splenda" on it.
And then bed. And now today, NADDA. Seriously, I'm not going NOWHERE. And I'm one of those must-go-somewhere-each-day people. Yesterday wore me out SO bad that I'm going to sit on my ass and do NADDA, followed by extended periods of reading, a possible nap, maybe a swim, and if I do anything productive at all, it'll just be taking the winter quilts out of the cedar chest and washing them. BIG importnat stuff. Nope, not doing nothing.
Tomorrow we go to Gettysburg for 3 days .
And on the BIG NEWS DESK TODAY: 99 days till baby's due. We're now in double-digits, people. HOLY SHLAMOLY!
Monday, August 14, 2006
August 14th - Tired and Grrr
We got take-out from Pat's - highly recommend if you're in the area. Pat's on Chew's Landing that Lindenwold? Lindenwold is all over, everywhere we go, we think it MIGHT be Lindenwold. That town must be huge. Anyway, I got my favorite disgustingly bad-for-you food, wings and onion rings. Hey, it's low-carb. Sue me. I had a salad for dinner.
Yesterday I used the stupid paint buddies to touch up paint and scuffs and nicks in the house. All 8 colors! And now SOME of the colors look very weird where I touched up. Unfortunately, in the downstairs hallway and stairwell, that was EVERYWHERE, because those walls got the brunt of whatever we decided to move into the family room. It was SUGE annoyingly hard work, worse because 3 of the paint buddies clogged - do not buy them, waste of money, just get the damn brush and paint out and touch up once a year. That's "PaintBuddy" by Rubbermaid. Stupid piece of crap, you have to clean the rollers every time. Why don't you just clean the brushes? Anyway, it exhausted me, and we stayed late at Bob's parents' last night, and now I feel like a big, gestating, slug.
Some days that's all I feel like doing, gestating. :-) That's what my friend said when she was pregnant w/ her twin - she basically gestated for 37 weeks. Work/eat/sleep/repeat. I don't know what school will do to me, I see a lot of that in my future. Thank GOD Bob's not doing marching band. At first I felt guilty, being part of the reason he's not going back to it. Now I just think of a new reason every day why I am SOOOOO happy that he'll be here instead of at practice Tuesday and Thursday (gone from 5:15 to 10:00 at night, driving tons) and staying through after school on Fridays and not getting home till midnight, and going to early practice on Saturday and doing one, occasionally TWO competitions and getting home at 11 or 12 at night or LATER on Saturdays. I thought they were all pyscho, but they won literally EVERY SINGLE COMPETITION they entered. Never less than a first place, ever. They must have been doing something right. But at what price?
Yeah, soooo happy about him being home. Especially as I start to feel a little bit more like an elephant every day. I seriously sat there at dinner contemplating if it was worth it to get off my ass and waddle over get the parm out of the fridge.
Tomorrow we have our 6th month appointment. We also start with ANOTHER ultrasound (don't hear me complaining, I'm just hoping it hurts less than last time!) because when we were at the office on the 18th of July for our "big one", baby-of-mine wouldn't cooperate. Somehow the child refused to show us both a good shot of her spine and a good shot of her belly. (They have to check the location that the cord enters the baby.) She's good at this not-cooperating thing, so we'll see how this goes.
BEFORE that we have to drive to my school because during the construction that has taken over this summer, the new HVAC unit the installed on the roof leaked into my classroom and storage room, and another classroom. I had a closet full of carefully packed-away xylophones and paper classroom decorations, posters, etc. Yeah, all water damaged, ruined, my principal says. So tomorrow we go and take inventory of what was damaged, and the contractors have to pay for new ones. It's annoying, but in the end, HEY, I get new xylos! Wait till the contractor finds out how much classroom Orff instruments cost. Whaa hahahahahah!
Ok, so then we go off to the appointment where the baby may or may not show us what the doctors need and I may or may not get my hip and pubic bones beaten to a bloody pulp by an ultrasound transducer. Then Bob's mom asked us to stop by the Hallmark she works at in the summer to show her any pictures and update her, etc. Then later in the day I'm meeting a teacher friend at the Deptford mall to walk around and be all shoppy and social. I hope she brings her little girl, Kayla is the best behaved 2 year old I've EVER seen. It's amazing.
After inventorying, getting beaten with a medical instrument, and shopping till I drop, I will spend the rest of the day and the following day on a couch, chair, or bed, recovering. :-) Cause I'm a wuss.
Then Thursday we go to G'burg. Which should be QUITE interesting, because my grandmother broke her arm yesterday, and while she and my grandfather are fine about it, and her surgery is scheduled for Thursday
So anyway, big day tomorrow, really tired today, gonna go test my blood sugar and sleep it off.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
August 12th - Mom's Visit
Mom got here at 8:00 on Thursday night. She had to drive a friend to Hershey med for a procedure, went to lunch, and then drove home and packed, and THEN left to come here, getting stuck on the expressway for an hour first. Long day. Bob put the 3 tiki torches that we have around the pool and we all went swimming. It was a little cold, but it was neat because Bob NEVER swims after dark - spider potential outside, I believe. I hate 'em too, but the backyard doesn't bother me. We made pork loin for a very late dinner (1oPM!) and hung out.
Mom and I have a lot more to talk about lately, mostly baby-related stuff.
The next day, Friday, we hung out and then had to go drop off both cars to be worked out at the mechanic's - Bob' s needed an oil change and fluids, and my transmission felt funny. It wouldn't shift at the right times, you know? Mom drove us back from the mechanic, and we stopped at Wawa for lunch, (hooray for chicken salad croissants!). Then Mom and I went shopping in Deptford and left Bob to finish his lawn care in the back yard. I don't ask him to do lawn stuff, he just likes to do it, just so we're clear.
We went to A. C. Moore and picked out stuff to make that baby's scrapbook with. I would be perfectly happy with a baby book and a picture album per year, plus all the digital pics on our computers that I know we'll take. But Mom really enjoys scrapbooking, so there we are. She kept insisting this was for me, I could decide, but I'd say something looked good and she'd change it anyway... She spent $50 on scrapbooking supplies - paper, stickers, etc. - and I found more tiki torches for $1 a piece - booyah!
Then we went next door to Babies-R-Us. Fun, very fun, but probably not the best idea. Now, when mom arrived Thursday she brought our baby a Care Bears onsie, 4 rompers, a moon & stars picture frame, a baby dinnerware set, a pack of moon & stars bibs, and a gift set that includes a hat, a blanket, pants, a shirt, and a onsie. I thought it was freakin' Christmas. Ha! In BRU she was on over-drive. I had to stop her from buying every dress she picked up. And that was hard, because I wanted them all, too. After we got out of the clothes section (1/2 hour, minimum) she wanted to walk around the whole store and show her everything we'd registered for. I had the distinct feeling she wanted to buy baby gear. Thankfully most of the stuff we registered for they don't carry at BRU, they're from Baby Depot. But I showed her stuff LIKE what we registered for. I did find another caterpillar, to replace the one that we bought on August 1st and sadly broke. Bob was happy. Mom bought: 2 bibs, 1 hat, 1 sweater, 1 shirt/dress & pants outfit, and one dress, 1 textured board book about puppies, and 1 "taggies" book. Is that it? Yeah, holy crap, my kid's closet is getting full. We're going to need that dresser soon. Baby's getting her Aunt Laura's old 6-drawer dresser when Laura moves to Brigantine for school.
We came home, I showed Bob all the baby's new digs, and we all chilled for a while. Then we went to pick up the cars and happily there was nothing wrong with my transmission. Just needed fluid and a look-see. Bob's car was all set too, and the checking and oil changes and fluid changes of both our cars cost $87. Pretty damn good for same-day service. I love knowing people who know people in the auto-repair world. Drop Bob's dad's name and you're done. I once got a whole new set of brakes installed and my total cost was $50.
Later we went out to Peter's, which we LUV. If you're in the south Jersey area, you MUST try Peter's Diner on the Black Horse Pike below Turnersville. I think that may be Williamstown there, not sure. Anyway, FANTASTIC food, and lots of it. I got chicken picata - 4 small chicken breasts in a butter/garlic/lemon/white wine sauce with mushrooms and capers. Damn. SO I eat 3 bites of that, eat the baked potato and the broc and the soup and the salad and I'm going to burst. Plus I have more than enough for lunch the next day. Gotta love it. Bob got a chicken sandwhich and a canoli. MOM got the seafood platter. Yeah. At a diner. Lobster, crab, scallops, tuna steak, salmon, stuffed shrimp, stuffed mushroom caps...I THINK that was all. Holy crap. And creamed spinach. And backed mac & cheese. And soup. And a big-as-your-face piece of chocolate layer cake.
We came home (waddled home) and went swimming with the new tiki torches and Bob had strung white lights along the top of the deck and the rails. It was SO pretty out there at night! We've now extended our swimming hours!
Mom wanted to do a few pages of the scrap book and kept insisting that I needed more pages of me being pregnant in there. I was like, "This is HER book, not mine. 2 pages of pictures of me being pregnant and 2 pages of my baby shower is enough. There will be other albums of pictures!"
ANYway, today we basically puttered around the house, Mom went swimming by herself, and she left around 2:30.
I decided I wanted to sit down and blog for a while. And that turned into a LONG while, but whatever. And then it's clean-up time. God, I'm so anal. When did I get this anal? I'll have to work on that. The kid will cure me.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
I have decided that at this moment, Blue's Clues is the only cartoon character I like enough to have on clothes, bibs, toys, or other stuff for my kid. At least that's what I say right now. Going shopping for a baby is like watching Saturday morning cartoons. Winnie the Pooh (classic and modern), Dora, Sesame Street, it goes on and on. Dora was cool, but now there's her 'cousin' Diego's show, which is supposedly doing better. Why did we need a boy show? It was so nice to have a show about a little GIRL? Most of the monsters on Semseme street are boys, too, what's up with that?
I like Blue. I'm sticking with Blue. She's a SHE. I also like that she's a dog, which people usually think of as boys, and she's BLUE - again, boys - but she's NOT a boy. Wha ha ha! (My hidden
Ok, done my tirade. There's just not enough active non-pink-tutu-wearing roll models for little girls on kid's TV anymore.
Remember Allegra's Window? That was an awesome show. All the characters had music names. Rondo and Riff and Sonata and Melody and...cook. Oh well.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
August 8th - At home
See, Bob had to take his grandfather to Cherry Hill to get something straightened out with the birthdate the social secrutity people got wrong. He wrote them because the insurance company denied a claim because the birthdates didn't match w/ what they had from social security (stupid reason). It was obviously a clerical error, and they needed him to show his birth certificate and other important documents so they could change it with social security. What did they tell him when he wrote? They wrote him back and told him it was stuck like that, they couldn't change it in the computer (as if the computer has some giant padlock with a mind of its own) and instead he is now supposed to GO BY THE WRONG BIRTHDATE. Seriously. The 78-year-old man is supposed to, in essence, get a new birthday. This is elder abuse, people. They should be reported. To who, I don't know, since they ARE the government. Sick. So he went down there w/ Bob, and it took very little time to straighten it out. He plays the sweet, confused, little old man very well. Mostly because that's him in a nutshell. They probably just needed the documents in person and didn't want to be bothered. Sick sick sick, these people.
More and more now I'm reminded that my and Bob's grandparents are getting older, weaker, sicker, and in worse shape, money-wise. I was born with 3 living great-grandparents. That I know of. My dad and his dad haven't spoken since Dad was 18 or so, so who knows, there. Never met the man, my real paternal grandfather. No big loss, from what I've been told. S But just Great-grandfather & Great-grandmother Uber and Gramy were around when I was born. I don't remember Great-grandfather Uber, we only saw him a few times, less than once a year, and he died my first day of Kindergarten. Gramy was really close by and really close to the family, and she died when I was 8. She played with us kids and sewed things for us. I had this stuffed rabbit that I brought to school and some kid named Derek ripped the arm off of. Gramy sewed it back on , and I remember after she died I wouldn't let anybody else fix the arm when it got loose again. Great-grandmother Uber hung on till I was a freshman in college. Smoked like a chimney, too. One of those tough Philly broads (brawds). It's funny, we would go visit her in the nursing home, her son (my Pappy), Grandmom, Mom, Cait, and me, and I was the only one she would recognize. It's the hair, it always is.
It's just nice to think that our girl will be born will all 8 (knock wood) great-grandparents. In relatively good states of mental capacity. Relatively. Some of them come and go, it seems. Some of them, if you talk to their kids, were never 'all there' to begin with. ;-)
I was supposed to get the whole house cleaned today, because tomorrow we're going to the shore - we ARE going to go this time, I swear - and then my mom's coming to visit on Thursday, and we have to go shopping Thursday morning before she gets there. So today was cleaning day. Now, not that cleaning didn't happen, but I certainly won't be getting any awards for it. I'm noticing dirt more and more, I think it's that nesting thing people talk about. Seriously, close to the hinge side of the doorframe, under the door in the bathroom, I noticed today that the tiles are dirty. I actually got on my hands and knees and scrubbed the BACK of the toilet and the floor behind it. The floor hadn't been done in weeks, it needed it, believe me. But the back of the toilet? What am I, nuts? And it's still not good, at least not to me. I still see dirty along the trim and the vent when I'm in there...and I used to care about 0% about that, now it suddenly needs cleaned.
The spirit is willing. And this cleaning would all get done if the flesh were not disgustingly weak and whiney. I had a headache all day, I was SO sleepy, and my knees hurt from kneeling on the tile floor of the bathroom scrubbing things that have never needed scrubbed before but needed it today. I tried twice to take a nap, once I realized I had to check my sugar and eat a snack right then, and once my mother called to chat, so there wen that idea. But mom did tell me that she won't be here till later on Thursday, buying me more time to clean.
My mother must think I don't know how to clean. Well, she's always had that attitude, to tell you the truth. NEVER was the job I did of cleaning the bathroom or dusting the living room ever good enough. I always missed something. I'll say it again: "A clean house is a sign of a wasted life." She keeps talking about how she's going to come after the baby is born and "clean for me". Riiiiiiiight. Not help with the baby, let us get some sleep, run to the grocery store, show me exactly how an aspirator works, throw in a load of laundry so we have clean crib sheets? No, she wants to clean my damn house. Um, there's a new infant in the house. Bob still has to work 40 hours a week. We probably won't be getting any sleep. We have no clue what to do with an infant. Diapers, nursing, sleeping, dressing, bathing, signs of health trouble, I know nothing. Can't we PLEASE just let the dust bunnies breed in peace for 2 weeks or so while someone who's had a kid before tells me what to do??? I mean, I know she means well, but who the hell can relax while their mother scrubs their floors? (attatch whatever emotional baggage fits your situation - she's older, she's not in good health, she has a bad knee, etc.) Thanks mom.
I did clean the bathroom today (including the medicine cabinet, another thing that's never been scrubbed out before. Hello, nesting instincts). Straightened & dusted the bedroom and guest room, and dusted the living room and family room (sort of. My style of dusting when I'm tired is "will dust show? No? Then it's not getting dusted!") I DID vacuum the pool, but I actually enjoy that, and I wanted to go swimming since it was deceptively hot today. Max appreciated the pool break as well.
"See, 80's is not a genre. 80's is a time period." ~ Bob
I learn something new every day. Bob's going to stay up all night reorganizing our 3,512 music files. I'm going to hit the hay.
Monday, August 07, 2006
August 7th
He's been very sweet and taken really good care of me & my mood swings and food whims and achey back and gestational diabetes. He also wanted that Zen Vision: M player like crazy. He blogged all about it last night. This morning I just said to him,
"You know what? Buy it."
I know, we're having a baby, we're supposed to be saving money. But he works so hard, he got a $600 stipend for writing Pennsville's marching band show, and I told him we're not going to have the chance to buy ANYTHING like this again for a while - Go take half the stipend and buy the Zen thingy. I mean, I get all this baby stuff. Yes I know it's his baby too. But something in those pregnancy hormones switches something on in your brain and makes you NUTS for baby crap. Seriously, Babies-R-Us was a YAWN for me until this spring. Now whenever we see Bob's mom she's got baby outfits, my mom called to say she bought 6 new onesies for baby, then there's the baby shower before she's born, and all the little gifts when somebody visits - it's like freakin' Christmas in slow motion for me. And while Bob does enjoy the toys and gadgets - what guy doesn't like to push that button and make the toy sing that song for 80th time? - it's not the same for him. So this is his treat.
And of course that meant that he woudl DIE if he didn't get to A) buy it today and B) play with it today. So the shore was out of the question. On the other side of the deal was that we got to go shopping wherever I wanted in Deptford. Lucky for him I can't shop for hours anymore. After about an hour my back starts to hurt. By 2 hours I'm scanning every store for a chair. We ended up going to Best Buy and picking up the Zen, then cruising every aisle of A. C. Moore for good stuff, baby's room furnishing, and I wanted a flag for September. Then we hit Babies-R-Us, where he parked in a glider chair (that was nowhere near as comfy as the chair we bought, he said) and I browsed everything and ended up buying a diaper bag. Possibly may be taking it back, not sure.
So anyway, Bob got his player, I got my bag, and we kind of puttered the rest of the day. We made dinner a little earlier than usual and went swimming till about 8:30. Then it's the usual, computer/TV time till bed. I know, we're wild ones. I have a feeling the rest of the world is in the same rut and there's actually like 3 people out there who go clubbing or go to concerts in the park or museums or whatever.
Hey, next Monday we're going to the Franklin Institute in Philly. So there.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Christening pics
August 6th - Christening & stuff
Anyway, I assumed there would be a house full of pushy relatives and we'd get no baby-time at all. I mean, we're just friends, we're pretty low on the baby-holding food chain. Ha! I walked in, said hello to Stacey, and she immediately said, "I need to give this baby to someone", handed him off to me and Kevie and Bob and I had baby time for a good half-hour. Love babies! Especailly when they spit up on my husband. That's the bomb. I feel pretty confident with Stacey's kids, cause she doesn't act like they're extremely fragile and should be wrapped in bubble wrap and placed in a museum. I scooped Kevie up and wiped him off and handed him back to Bob, who was I'm sure terrified that A) he'd caused the spit-up and B) the kid was going to blow again. Such fun.
We left after about 3 1/2 hours, hanging out and talking to school people and admiring James' cutie 2-year old and Stephy's 3-year old in their party dresses. There was an annoying nephew boy there, and a few older grade-school aged girls chasing the dogs around. Stace had left the TV on w/ no volume on a kiddie channel for Adele and Amy, and the stupid boy (way too old to be watching toddler shows) kept bugging me. At a party, in a room for of chatting adults, if we had bugged some random guest and said, 'hey, I can't hear the TV!' indignantly several times...we would have been SO smacked upside the head. Seriously, can you imagine expecting adult strangers to be quiet so you could hear the TV at a party??? Maybe I was raised differently, but MAN would my mom have let me have it. *Freakin' brat. I think little boys get away with WAY too much, because people assume 'boys will be boys'.* But I believe I've ranted about that crap before. Bob says I just don't like little boys. Bull, I like little boys. I like little everythings that don't act like they're the most important thing in the room at any given time.
We went home and I hit the hay briefly - exhausted, I can't do these long days like I used to - and then we went over to Bob's parents. Dinner was roast beef and corn on the cob and other good stuff. And we kept getting Bob's mom off on tangenty stories so we were there till 11 and now I'm going to fall over.
We're supposed to go to the shore tomorrow. I'm hope I feel better tomorrow than I do now. I don't sleep well much anymore, I'm noticing. Like, a GOOD night is when I only wake up 3 times and go to the bathroom and come back and lie down and shift positions (and the 4 pillows it takes to keep me half comfortable). When this is all over, other than *hopefully* being able to eat pasta w/o counting how many carbs and how much dietary fiber it has, my most favorite thing about not being pregnant anymore will be being able to sleep on my back. God I miss my back. Some woman on my birth board went on and on about how important left-side sleeping is and how bad back-sleeping is, despite the fact that babies have been born since, OH, forever, and women only knew about this since about a generation ago. She suggested sewing a tennis ball into the back of all pajamas so you don't accidentally roll over on your back and sleep that way. I hope that woman rots.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
August 1st - Update :-)
We started out with the fetal echocardiogram, w/ a very experienced Dr. named Dennis Wood. He was excellent, very nice, pretty gentle, and very talkative. It was a little weird having a man, actually. It never occured to me until then, but every medical professional who's seen me in any state of undress has been a woman until today. He was like, "ok, pull your pants down, pull your shirt up, let's look at this baby!"
She was awesome, as usual. Very healthy, he said. "Gorgeous", I believe was his exact word. :-) :-) :-) Of course she was a hyper, stubborn little thing, but that I could have told them. She did NOT want to hold still, she just jiggled and rolled and changed position like crazy. (She also woke up up at 2:45 AM by tap-dancing on my cervix today, so I should have known then she was going to be a little nuts today.) He actually had to have me lay on my side and tap the transducer kind of hard into my hip to get her to change positions. That part didn't really hurt, he was careful not to hit my hip bone or anything. Unlike SOME people... more on that late.
So she was fine, we're very happy & releived.
We went to Friendly's for lunch (had the steak fajita quesadillas, I highly recommend!) and we went to Target to shop, mostly for baby stuff. In the clearance rack of the baby section we found a neat little Leap Frog Baby toy, a stuffed caterpillar w/ numbers on each segment that sings about numbers and animals and colors and music styles (opera and country and jazz, oh my!) and has classical music introduced by composer, etc. Hey, we want this kid to be able to tell the difference between 3 yellow bees and Vivaldi's "Spring", don't we?
Then it was BACK to the hospital antenatal unit for another ultrasound and a perinatologist consultation. Yay (or so I thought). To be fair, it was nice to see her and see that she's doing well. She was measuring right on with everything, and is a "jumping bean", and several other names that imply that she won't freakin' sit still for 2 seconds. Great, I have hyper-girl in here. Can't wait till she's 7 pounds and kicking the crap out of my ribs. We had a student technician at first, who got all the measurments she needed except the left kidney and spine. She called a supervising technician to get those measurements. Now, the student was very gentle - and anybody who's had an ultrasound before knows that a gentle tech is a godsend. The regular technician was trying to carve her name in my hip bone, apparently. She was rough and tough right from the start, even before baby started being a pain. When she couldn't find the kidney after a LONG time looking (and me in major, major, MAJOR pain) I started to panic that A) I was going to pass out and B) my kid only had 1 kidney! Nope, after about 20 minutes of me thinking nasty things at the technician she finally got a good view. Then the spine-search began. Baby wasn't having it. They finally called the doctor in, and gave me a break in the OW of it all, and the doctor found it immediately. She said it had had nothing to do with her, the baby had just moved yet again, and decided to moon us so we could get a good view of the spine. They have to check all these things, you see. It's quite cool, when you're not white-knuckle gripping the hard-as-wood table you've been lying on for almost an hour. Everything was fine. And although I'm sure I'll have some interesting bruises tomorrow, that was probably not the worst pain this kid will put me through.
We came home and went swimming because DAMN is it hot (104 today! NO, not heat index, real temp!) and hung around, made Enchilladas for dinner while calling a few relatives to tell them that baby's fine and Meg will be walking with a limp for a while.
The end.
August 1st - Nervous
Today we have baby's fetal echocardiogram at 11:45 - a specialized ultrasound that can detectsheart deffects. It's just a precaution, because I may have been diabetic before getting pregnant and not known it...although I had NO symptoms and failed NO sugar-in-the-urine tests before I flunked the sugar processing test back in June that lead to all this GD nonsense.
Then at 3:00 we have her 2nd growth scan - measures head, waist, and leg to make sure she's growing at a good rate. GD or regular diabetes can make baby grow faster than she should and give her low blood sugar at birth, lungs/heart that can't support her bigger body, and also give me a HELL of a lot more issues getting her out. Usually if baby's too big they induce you early or order a C-section, both things I'd rather avoid. (Early = baby didn't have all the time she could have 'baking' in there and C-section means longer hospital stay, longer recovery time, and no stairs for weeks after the, I live in a split level, that's not going to work!)
Then AFTER the growth scan we have our monthly perinatologist appointment, to sum things up from both ultrasounds and talk about the GD, the baby's development, my symptoms - I feel like a lab rat, is that a symptom?
And I just realized I forgot to take my sugar this morning. Grrr...I'm all out of whack today.
Anyway, nervous about the fetal echo the most. Heart deffects are no laughing matter. Although I did some research (i. e. googled it) and most people with them have interventions like medication or surgery while they're very young and they do just fine. There's one kind in particular that seems to have a very bleak outlook, but other than that, they do seem to be treatable with pretty high success rates.
And this is only a real concern if I actually had real diabetes. Which I still don't know about. Sometimes I'm like, "of COURSE I did, it's in my family, I failed the sugar processing test badly, and they gave it to me way earlier than most women get it in their pregnancies, they must have known." And sometimes I think, "I never failed a sugar test in the OB's office, and to my knowledge I didn't have any of the symptoms. Why should I worry?
See, I had a blood sugar test along w/ a test for other stuff when I started working for Evesham - for insurance purposes. The doc called and said my blood sugar was too high for fasting and I was like, "Um, nobody told me I had to fast!" He said I should get a re-test...and I never really did. I felt fine. I'd also been living on fruit punch that week.
We'll see. A little scared here. Will update.