We started out with the fetal echocardiogram, w/ a very experienced Dr. named Dennis Wood. He was excellent, very nice, pretty gentle, and very talkative. It was a little weird having a man, actually. It never occured to me until then, but every medical professional who's seen me in any state of undress has been a woman until today. He was like, "ok, pull your pants down, pull your shirt up, let's look at this baby!"
She was awesome, as usual. Very healthy, he said. "Gorgeous", I believe was his exact word. :-) :-) :-) Of course she was a hyper, stubborn little thing, but that I could have told them. She did NOT want to hold still, she just jiggled and rolled and changed position like crazy. (She also woke up up at 2:45 AM by tap-dancing on my cervix today, so I should have known then she was going to be a little nuts today.) He actually had to have me lay on my side and tap the transducer kind of hard into my hip to get her to change positions. That part didn't really hurt, he was careful not to hit my hip bone or anything. Unlike SOME people... more on that late.
So she was fine, we're very happy & releived.
We went to Friendly's for lunch (had the steak fajita quesadillas, I highly recommend!) and we went to Target to shop, mostly for baby stuff. In the clearance rack of the baby section we found a neat little Leap Frog Baby toy, a stuffed caterpillar w/ numbers on each segment that sings about numbers and animals and colors and music styles (opera and country and jazz, oh my!) and has classical music introduced by composer, etc. Hey, we want this kid to be able to tell the difference between 3 yellow bees and Vivaldi's "Spring", don't we?
Then it was BACK to the hospital antenatal unit for another ultrasound and a perinatologist consultation. Yay (or so I thought). To be fair, it was nice to see her and see that she's doing well. She was measuring right on with everything, and is a "jumping bean", and several other names that imply that she won't freakin' sit still for 2 seconds. Great, I have hyper-girl in here. Can't wait till she's 7 pounds and kicking the crap out of my ribs. We had a student technician at first, who got all the measurments she needed except the left kidney and spine. She called a supervising technician to get those measurements. Now, the student was very gentle - and anybody who's had an ultrasound before knows that a gentle tech is a godsend. The regular technician was trying to carve her name in my hip bone, apparently. She was rough and tough right from the start, even before baby started being a pain. When she couldn't find the kidney after a LONG time looking (and me in major, major, MAJOR pain) I started to panic that A) I was going to pass out and B) my kid only had 1 kidney! Nope, after about 20 minutes of me thinking nasty things at the technician she finally got a good view. Then the spine-search began. Baby wasn't having it. They finally called the doctor in, and gave me a break in the OW of it all, and the doctor found it immediately. She said it had had nothing to do with her, the baby had just moved yet again, and decided to moon us so we could get a good view of the spine. They have to check all these things, you see. It's quite cool, when you're not white-knuckle gripping the hard-as-wood table you've been lying on for almost an hour. Everything was fine. And although I'm sure I'll have some interesting bruises tomorrow, that was probably not the worst pain this kid will put me through.
We came home and went swimming because DAMN is it hot (104 today! NO, not heat index, real temp!) and hung around, made Enchilladas for dinner while calling a few relatives to tell them that baby's fine and Meg will be walking with a limp for a while.
The end.
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