Ah, a lovely day at home. Well, there was work to be done, but it got done, so who cares.
See, Dad's coming tomorrow, all the way from California. He's flying out at 9:55 their time, so 2:55 AM our time. He has a 2-hour stop-over in Atlanta, and then he flies into Philly tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM. Yep, he's taking the red-eye. All the way from sunny CA. To see me. Pregnant. Seriously, that's why he's coming. I mean, it's AWESOME that he's coming, it's just a little weird, like I feel like I have to look GOOD and pregnant tomorrow, or something. Which, with the right shirt on, I definitely do. It's just that when people think of pregnant chicks, they picture what they look like at 9 months, not 6 1/2 months. Sounds ridiculous, but I hope he isn't disappointed in my tumminess.
So today we had to get the house into shape, and get some freakin' fruits and veggies from Produce Junction, and generally putter and relax.
I vacuumed the pool, cleaned the house, watched TV, surfed, and read. God, I love summer. It's sweet. Of course I feel bad that Bob's upstairs 'doing the floors' right now. (That means using the Hoover Floormate on all our hard floors, which is most of the house.) He did all the outside stuff - mowing the front, weedwhacking, blowing, etc. and made dinner. I did the bathrooms, dusted, straightened, made up the guest room, prettied up the baby's room, and vacuumed the pool. It was a little too cold out there in the pool after it got dark. Fall is coming???
Let's see, what else is going on?
Hey, I got BLINKIES!!! Bobby showed me how.
Switch gears - Oh my GOD do I miss cereal. I haven't had cereal in months. I'm totally buying cereal and having it as a snack, not breakfast, cause that would be forbidden.
And Nachos. I want nachos. Big-ass, shredded chicken nachos with melted cheddar and lots of jalapeno slices. Bring it, baby.
Ok, hormonal cravings wave over.
Well, I guess we're going to finish up the house, do a little computering, and chill for the night.

She is, however, standing on my bladder.

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