Oh yeah, every day I'm going to find time, energy, and motivation to come downstairs and type all my wheelings and dealings into this little window here. Riiiight. My next-summer self will just have to excuse me for my lazy/busy-ness
- The girl can CRAWL! I really didn't think it would happen. She was usually quite content to play with whatever was near her, and if nothing was near her, her hands (or the air?) would do fine. Yesterday she decided she wanted what was in the basket beside the couch BAD. And off she went. And just like that, the house is a land mine field. She's already discovered the bar stools, and we've already discovered that the bar stools need to go bye-bye for an undetermined stay in the attic.
- The dog is doing better on the thyroid meds. He ate, happily, two days in a row now. Yay, Max!
- Things I must do: Mail stuff. Clean out 'family' bin on Bob's desk (asked me to weeks ago). All the crap from my summer to-do list (ha ha). Adjust to the fact that school starts in 19 days. Finish laundry before it's time to start laundry over again. Pick up car from garage, pray that new tires didn't cost more than car's original purchase price. Resolve to walk at school during my lunch break so I can still get some exercise and not miss Maddie evening time. Register for LVC Octoberfst. (No, I'm sorry, they apparently spell it "Oktober", because Lebanon is the land of "K"'s.)
- Is it true that the Black-Eyed Peas's song "Let's Get it Started" is actually "Let's Get Retarded"???
- Bought Maddie a new toy:
It's two-sided, attaches to cribs and play yards, or sits on those cute little red feet like a table. She needed a crib activity thingy, and although all of us 70's and 80's children had them - those nice little plastic panels with sliders and clickers and spinny things to keep us entertaining ourselves and hopefully learning - they do not exist anymore. Instead we have these electronic aquariums that shine and put on a tame, seahorse-related show. Maddie isn't fooled by the seahorse. She knows it's the same one coming around, over and over. My smart kid wakes up at 6:30 AM and decides that we need to come and entertain her. We think otherwise. Hence the new crib "activity center". I'm sorry, the TinyLove "Developlay Activity Center". It's really cool. The blue side is for babies 3-9 months old and the green side is for babies 9-24 months old. I'm (doing the math) 317 months old, and I actually find it quite entertaining myself. And hopefully I'll find it good for an extra half-hour of sleep.
- My dad is visiting on Saturday, from California. Not staying long enough for my taste, but he starts back to school earlier than we NJ teachers do. But still. :-)
- Other things I must do: Eat 20 or so Tums, damn stomach. Clean out refrigerator (disgusting). Find clip art for the recorder packet Bob and I are writing together. Watch Mona Lisa Smile before I have to sheepishly return it to my sister on Sunday...I may have forgotten to ask if I could borrow it. And go to bed.
1 comment:
We have that same toy! I took the "feet" off it so I could hang it in my younger son's crib.
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