We bring a picnic lunch, puffs for the girl (she already ate) and staked out a table. Then the hornets of furry came at us. Yellow jackets are mean suckers. While we were batting off 3 of 'em, I looked at Maddie in her stroller. Her mouth was frozen open in that terrible silent inhale that precedes a wail of suffering and indignation - standard hurt baby cry. She'd been stung! I saw something on her arm. A piece of what I can only assume was leftover smooshed stinging bug, and a nasty stinger, embedded into my baby's arm!
I miraculously removed the stinger the right way - brush, don't pinch, or you'll release more poison - and scooped her up. She cried for 30 seconds, meanwhile Bob got an ice pack from somewhere in our picnic basket and put it on her arm. Within one minute of being stung she was recovered and playing with said ice pack. Me, I haven't recovered yet. I don't know what it was that actually stung her. Supposedly yellow jackets don't leave stingers, and she definitely had one. We ran to the grocery store and got meat tenderizer (always have this in your house people!) and made a paste of it. I had to put a cut-off sock on her arm to keep her from licking this paste off her arm, later on. That's my girl.
She was a happy kid till early evening, when the lack of nap due to increased mobility caught up with her. Would you nap when you could be crawling and pulling up on stuff and listening to your parents' shocked gasps? She was then a miserable crank - again, thoughts of teething danced in my head, but I still doubt it. But the baby Tylenol bottle promised me that she would feel better and be able to sleep tonight.
On the non-baby side of the news, Bob stumbled upon what is quite possibly the best music site ever. Musicovery. You indicate the exact levels of calm vs. energetic, dark vs. positive, decade, genre, hit or non-hit, dancability, and tempo, and it comes up with a 'chain' of songs for you to listen to, commercial free. Amazing.
Other amazing things include:
- Maddie ate real chopped up green beans today and didn't choke.
- 10 days, 21 hours till school starts.
- It's 1 AM and I'm still up.
- The fact that I will shudder in horror at the memory of my daughter's first bee sting and she won't recall it at all.
- I finally got around to trashing the "What to Expect" books on my favorite message board and got huge waves of 'hell yes!' back at me. Affirmation, baby!
- It was in the low 60's yesterday and it will be in the 90's tomorrow...and yet remain as humid as ever.
- I will never have good hair again.
- This video:
See, told you that the video was amazing.
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