Had a blast slowly picking through Baby Depot, item by item, with my friend Stacey. Stace has her twins 4 months ago, and has since become my baby guru, helping with things like, "don't get this, waste of money; get 2 of these, they save your life!". I actually walked through that store (2 hours!) with a clip board with labeled sections, writing down all the info. Besides have a blast (GOD I love shopping. Baby shopping especially), I now have a more than decent list of stuff to register for, and I didn't spend a dime. She, on the other hand, walked out of there with 3 outfits and a $40.00 walker. :-) Afterwards she took me out to lunch at this awesome BBQ place to celebrate me having a baby and her getting the hell out of the house. A good time was had by all. I came home and typed (yes, typed) the offical We-Need-This-Stuff-for-the-Kid list, shared w/ Bob, and we're all set to register. I don't know if I want to wait until we know the gender or not...I think I do. As much as I want to try to stay gender neutral, so as to use with kid #2 later who may or may not be the opposite sex as kid #1, there is SO much cute stuff there, mountains of it, that I want to dive into and buy buy BUY. Or at least register for. Hormones make you crazy-spendy, let me tell ya.
Came home and read, lounged by the pool, went swimming and did laps, did grilled chicken w/ this awesome rub for dinner, and got the crap beat out of me at Uno by my loving husband. We set up our google calendars to sort of talk to eachother (shut up, we're geeks) and now it's just blog and fall asleep. That was the one thing that bugged me about today; had to get up at 7:30 to meet Stace in Marlton by 9. I don't do 7:30 in the morning lately. It's summer.
And MY what a lovely summer so far!
Tomorrow we're going "Marlton Shopping", or shopping in snobby-snob land, which is always fun. God I love summer.
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