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Sunday, July 30, 2006

July 30th

Done the painting, here's the room w/ the crib and chair. VERY nice, we think (not that we're at all biased.
Bob especially worked SO hard on this room. We still just go in there and sit & talk or adimre it. :-)
It's been a nice day. Cleaned, cleaned, cleaned, trying to take breaks for sitting in between. Bob spent the whole day outside doing yard work in the nearly 100 degree heat! I was worried about him all day, I kept checking to make sure he was ok out there. I got the house cleaned by 4, and we both went for a dip quickly w/ Max, then showered and it was meal prep time. I'm getting better at that, trying to figure out when stuff needs to be started so it's all done at once. When you're cooking for 7 it's a bigger deal that cooking for just me & Bobby. D
Dinner went well - I rubbed the chicken breasts w/ that really good chicken rub and Bob grilled 'em up. I made brown rice, corn, wheat and white bread, and salad. Bobby's folks brought water ice for dessert - and a special cup of blueberry for Bob and pear for me. We all played "Encore" which is a fun game if you're one of those crazy people who knows every word to every song out there. You also get over any fear of singing in public really quickly.

We were really happy with how the evening went. Now off to bed...*zzzz...zzzz...zzzz...* Posted by Picasa

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