Mmmm...dark chocolate...transcendent, baby.
Yes, I'm allowed. 30 g of carbs, well within my night-time snack limit. Nights are better than days. That's twice the carbs I'm allowed to have at breakfast. LOVE dark chocolate...MMMMMM
Been a nice few days. Bob got the first stage of painting done in the nursery - light blue for the ceiling, light leafy green for the walls. Then we do the chair rail of light blue and dark blue squares, with yellow stars and moons alternating inside the boxes. LOTS of measuring and taping carefully. Fun stuff. But it'll be gorgeous when we're done. Several times today we both just went in and stood in there for a while, going "WOW, this is our KID'S room. Wow."
I cleaned out the fridge today. Yep, that was my major accomplishment for the day. Hey, it was time. Stuff may have walked out on its own by the end of the month. J/k, but seriously, keep your fridges clean, people! Don't spend an hour kneeling on a tile floor with your head inside the produce bin trying to scrub out GOD knows what from the crevices. Such fun.
And we went out to dinner, Peter's, of course. I can NEVER finish my meals there. But hey, that means yummy lunch leftovers tomorrow. So I walked around Wal-Mart feeling like the Good Year blimp (and just as inflated, if you catch my drift - one of those lovely side-effects of pregnancy nobody talks about because it isn't cute.)
Oh, found out that my Dad is coming to visit next month. All the way from Sunny CA! He called and said he'd been thinking that he wants to see me pregnant. I thought about it, and yeah, he was going to miss the whole pregnancy, wasn't he? Saw him last December - no baby yet, no THOUGHTS of baby yet, and by next Christmas, baby'll be here. I'm thrilled that he's coming, flying all the way out here. I just hope I look more pregnant by then. Seriously, unless I have a shirt on that screens "MATERNITY", you might just think I gained 40 pounds or so. The belly's sticking out, but it's kind of lumpy still...sorry, too graphic? It's a myth that you have a cute little basketball sized bump, all smooth and soft. Baby grows where she wants to grow, and right now she's decided to push all belly fat I originally had up to my boobs. I look SOOOO lovely right now. Well, hopefully 4 weeks will make a difference. It's weird to think that he's coming out here specifically to see me pregnant. And weirder and more disappointing if I don't look that pregnant in the first place. Now, throw on an empire-waisted shirt and suddenly I'm 8 months, but that's all because the kid keeps pushing everything forward and up. (Thanks, kid.)
There was a man in line behind us tonight with a little girl, about 4 or 5, and he was buying her a doctor play kit. With a plastic stethoscope, fake thermometer, one of those doctor headbands with the metal disk on them, a lab coat, etc. I was like, DUDE, my kid's getting one of those. Smart Daddy. The little girl seemed thrilled, too. She's also getting a Brio train set (German company, had them growing up, fabulous toys, require actual imagination) - my mother in-law and I already decided.

And a baby doll, because every little kid should have a baby doll. No, not every little GIRL, every kid. Nurturing is a skill that boys need too, and sorely lack today, I think. They kick the crap out of each other, they should know how to fix each other up. There will be much Play Dough, and MANY pieces of paper and crayons galore. Sidewalk chalk for the driveway, too. And one of those carpets with city streets printed on it, that comes with lots of little cars and people. And a kitchen set, cause those are cool. And if I can help it at all, the only video game system that MIGHT come into this house is a V-Smile (purely educational). At least until Middle school. Holy crap, she'll go through Middle school. Save me.
On that scary-ass note, good night.
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