Today was nice. We did a little Marlton shopping (love snob world!) I got a baby book. The Good Housekeeping guide to Pregnancy and Baby Care. Pretty good. Full of good advice, one of those manuals you can pull out in the middle of the night when the kid is screaming and you don't know why. Full of naked women, too, surprisingly. Well, the baby section WAS across the aisle from the erotica section at Barnes & Noble.
We had gift certificates to burn, so burn 'em we did. Bob got 2 more books (I am SO happy that he's reading and LOVING it, even it is is all John Grisham and court case stuff). Then we trotted over to *snobby Brittish voice* "The Promenade at Sagemore" and hit L. L. Bean with a $50 certif leftover from Christmas from one of Bob's overzealous Neeta School parents. He FINALLY got a jacket that looks like someone over 20 might wear it - his spring/fall jacket is from 1999, seriously, it was TIME. And that was on sale *hooray* so I got a cute little boat & tote purse. I feel more yuppie already.
We then hit Coldstone Creamery, which if you've never tried, you must. Find one near you and go there NOW. I behaved, got the "Sinless Sweet Cream" w/ strawberries and blueberries mushed in (right there, on the cold marble slab, baby!) Pure heaven. GOD I love ice cream. Mmmm....getting hormonal here...oh dear. Bob may be making an ice cream run soon...
We attempted to go swimming but that didn't work because apparently there was thunder. So I got in, got out, peeled off a wet suit, read and did the dinner thing, then got back in and did laps w/ Bob, and floated around like the large bloated manatee-woman that I am ever-increasingly resembling. At least before I got pregnant I had a waist! An hour-glass figure, to be kind. I got nothin' now. I'm all blob, floating there...still lovely, though. At least I've got an excuse.
After drying off I organized all those photos that have been left to sit in boxes into labeled piles, chonologically ordered. The albumns will be purchased, the photos will be stuck in, and all will be well, and I'll get my kitchen table back, damn it.
Bob made a mock up of what we want to do with the baby's room. I REALLY can't wait to start painting this - yes, I checked, it's ok to paint. I'm going to double-check with my doctor on Tuesday, but I'm told it's ok, as long as I have a mask and keep the window open. Here's an artist's rendering:
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