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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

December 13th - Things to do

Monday - Mom came to give me a break. I love when Mom comes to give me a break. It's working, I think, because I don't feel the need to entertain and be a good hostess. She holds the baby, lets me get housework done, lets me get a NAP or two, and best of all - this week she did baby-duty ALL NIGHT on Monday night. We slept from 11:30 till 6:30. I haven't slept that long, that well, in literally MONTHS. (because even pre-baby, I was uncomfortable and constantly up to go to the bathroom-your body's way of prepping you for having a newborn at night, I think.) Mom likes it because she gets baby time, bonding time, and gets to feel needed and have somewhere to go. (I finally sympathize with someone who lives alone. I'm alone for 9 hours a day and it's NOT fun.) Monday night Bob had bells. I miss going to bells. Monday night mom stayed over, best-sleep-ever, etc.

Tuesday - Mom slept in (because she did baby duty all night and that's no way to sleep). I went to a "Walk & Talk" at the mall with Mom's Club. Well, first I negotiated a shower in between Maddie's cries, dressed us both, tried to get her to take a bottle - nope, not having it. So I packed everything up and put her in the car and pulled out the garage and BOOM! Screamfest. Well I knew what this was, this was her being really hungry. So we unpacked everything, we came back in, and we had our bottle. Then I called and told the moms I'd be late - 'don't worry, you're not the latest one' and off to the mall we went, half an hour late. There were about 7 moms there, 10 kids or so, a parade of strollers. Very noisy, and pretty fun. I'm a bit of an exciting addition to the group, I can tell. New member, brand new baby, etc. They all oooh and ahh over Maddie, it's so nice. We walked, we talked, and despite the fact that I knew none of them and they were almost all in their 30's and we don't have much in common, it wasn't that weird. I didn't run out of stuff to talk about - always a plus. We even grabbed lunch at Chick-Fil-A (sp?), and that was pretty cool. Came home, a lady from church dropped off knitted baby gifts for Maddie and talked to Mom and I. Then Mom let me take a nap again (bless my mother) and I puttered around till Bob came home. Mom left, and we headed over to Bob's parents' house for Laura's family birthday dinner. Fajitas! Ole! (And Champagne! And strawberry margaritas! And I can actually consume alcohol as I wish for the first time in almost a year.) We ate, we caked, we gifted, we looked at Nick's new car, we passed Maddie around, and we actually sang Christmas carols while Nick played piano. Bob laughed himself silly a few times, and considering how worried about work he's been lately, it was good to see him have some fun.

Wednesday - well, I suck at sleeping. SHE went to bed at 10:30, seriously. For the first time in I don't know how long (well less than 3 weeks, obviously) she went to bed early. And I couldn't sleep. Maybe it was because I took a nap this afternoon. (Although God knows my sleep deficit wasn't exactly filled by one tiny nap) Maybe it was because after that nap I had a cup of coffee. Maybe it was the 2 drinks I had at Bob's parents. Maybe it was the fact that at any moment I would hear the baby cry and I'd have to get up (I think that's it!). I just lay there for hours. I think I got 3 1/2 hours or so, maybe. *Sigh* What sucks is that I could have had QUITE a nice long night's sleep. I do believe I shall be hitting the Tylenol PM tonight... Hey! Don't judge me! I'm a desperate woman here!
Tonight it's concert time! HA! I definitely would be more stressed TODAY if I were teaching instead of stay-at-home-ing. 2:00 would be melt-down time. "What do you MEAN none of you have your music? NONE of you????" So I get to go as a private citizen and see how this lady does with my kids. (Probably going to kick my Chorus-Hating Ass.) It also means a nice evening out for Bob and me - our first, sans baby. She'll be in good hands at the in-laws. Is it bad that I'm looking forward to being out without the baby?
I now have to finish eating lunch, pack baby up, crate dog, and run to as many Targets as it takes to find all the wide Dr. Brown bottles we need, then run to Babies-R-Us and return the Playtex Ventaires I bought (BRU is SO expensive, btw!) and I have to get the cookie stuff to make cookies tomorrow, to bring to the Toy & Cookie Exchange on Friday. dull all this must be to read...well, I like it. Learn from me, oh ye with more exciting lives. ;-)

Thursday - Yes, I'm actually going. There's a group that meets Thursday mornings at the Virtua ed. center where we had our childbirth classes for new moms dealing with 'baby blues' and other challenges of, well, new-motherhood. Honestly, I'm nowhere near as bluesy as I was a week ago, WAAAAY better than two weeks ago. But I want to go once, to say I went, to make sure I'm doing all this right. It'll probably make me feel tremendously better about my situation, when I see women who REALLY need help. (No support, no money, majorly depressed all the time, etc. Me? I'm just a suburban whiner.)
Then Thursday night the in-laws are watching Maddie again, and it's Bob's turn, concert-wise. I'm sure it'll go really well, and I'm sure he'll feel much better when it's over. And it's another night out. Yay for nights out!

Friday - I'm going to a Toy & Cookie exchange at Kristi's house (Mom's Club. Shut up, I'm having a social life one way or another, damn it. ) It's cool, you RSVP and the hostess tells you how many people are coming, and you make cookie baggies for that many people and exchange them around so everybody gets one bag from each person (mmm cookies!). You also bring in toys that your kid doesn't play with anymore, and they put them in a room and let each kid go in and pick one new toy, and the rest go to Goodwill. Nice, huh? Good entertainment for the price of a batch of cookies.
That afternoon I'm taking Bob's mom to a medical procedure she's not allowed to drive to. Little nervous about having a newborn in a waiting room for a long time...hope they have a changing table in the bathroom.

Well, off to Target shortly. And baby's getting fussy. Good timing, kid.

To sum up:

Monday - Mom came.
Tuesday - Mom's here, Mall Walk & Talk, Church Lady, Laura's party
Wednesday - Target(s), BRU, my concert
Thursday - New Mom's group, Bob's concert
Friday - Toy & Cookie exchange, Bob's mom's procedure, oh, and grocery shopping
Saturday - Possibly getting Christmas Tree

See, this is how I do things. Got a weekly calendar of events and everything.

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