Ok, so Wednesday night we have a pediatrician appointment. I have to pick Bob up from school because I had to drive him TO school because I lent my sister my car for 2 weeks because she had a car accident while visiting here after Maddie was born. (I am the queen of the run-on sentence.) We figure out on the way home (around 5) that there's no way we're going to be able to get home, make and eat dinner, feed Maddie, get her ready to go, and be at the pediatrician's by 6:30. Not going to happen.
So we decide to stop and grab dinner on the way and go straight there. Not in the mood for burgers. What's close by? Taco Bell. Ok. We go to the Taco Bell and it's deserted (for 'some reason'...ha ha ha). We order, they screw up our order, we sit down w/ the baby in the carrier, fast asleep, and eat. We got out to the car, feed her (a perk of bottle feeding, you don't have to whip a boob out in public!) and I brought her back into the restaurant restroom to change her. My first public restroom changing, and it didn't go half badly! As I'm bringing Maddie back outside and putting her back in the carseat, the manager of the Taco Bell comes out and says, "I'm sorry, folks, we're closing now." Um...it's 6PM? That was ok, we already ate, we're leaving. The manager seemed a tad stressed...hm...
So we left, went to the Dr.'s, had a nice appointment, and all was well.
Next morning, on the news, we hear that all Taco Bells in ours and neighboring counties had emergency closings at 6:00 PM! And they had to THROW OUT ALL THE FOOD and disinfect the whole restaurants. Greeeeaaaat.. E. Coli poisoning occurred at several of the restaurants, so they all had to close. Something about green onions (which we had none of, they didn't have them, for now-obvious reasons.)
So yeah, we took our 2 1/2 week old daughter into a restaurant, ate there, and 15 minutes later, they closed for fear of E. Coli poisoning. Not like she was eating the green onions herself, but it certainly doesn't qualify us for "parents of the year". :-)
It just gets better and better, I tell ya.

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