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Friday, December 29, 2006

December 29th - Fiiiiiive Gooooldennnn Riiiiings (Ba-dum, dum dum)

Yep, Christmas was good. Fast, little stressful, but good.

Saturday we cleaned the house like mad, juggling a baby back and forth (not literally, you can't launch them in the air till they're 4 months or so).

Sunday (Christmas Eve) we refused to do any more work (except laundry) and actually baked cookies and decorated them, got everybody bathed, dressed all cute, and out the door for the family service. Yes, I took my 5-week old daughter to church on Christmas Eve. You can send the hatemail to my home address, or email me. She was AWESOME. She woke up only once, when she realized she was still strapped peacefully into her carrier/carseat thingy, and of course this meant war. I bolted out of there, left the seat in the hallway, and brought her in, fast asleep. She screamed in the car on the way to the Christmas party, and we realized that we didn't buy a gift to take to the Christmas party, so while I ran into the only business that was blessedly open at 7:30 on X-mas Eve, Bob fed Maddie in the backseat of the car. Thank you, Rite Aid of Washington Township. Party was fun, great food. Nice cosmos. Bob and I exchanged gifts when we got home, and he got me some LOVELY things - Yay for new slippers that don't have dog drool on them (yet).

Christmas - we went over to Bob's folks early (and by the way, I was on baby duty, and it SUCKED and I had major insomnia anyway. Probably got about 3 hours...yes, non-consecutive). We exchanged, it was fun, Maddie got some cute things from the Grandparents, Aunt, and Uncle. :-) The day was very nice - fabulous appetizers, lots of people, yummy dinner, Maddie got ooh'ed and aaah'ed over and passed around... we got a neat DVD recorder from Nick, so we can put all our home movies, classic 80's TV video tapes, etc. on DVD. Laura got us tickets to a comedian we love in A. C. in February. Lots of cool stuff, yummy food, fun.
the 26th we exchanged gifts w/ Mom & Cait, hung around and left later.

The 27th Dad and Heidi flew in. We made Bocca burgers (attempting to be healthy for the California peeps) and exchanged gifts. Dad's enthralled with Maddie. Of course, she's a bit more of a challenge now, at the peak of colic-time for babies, but a lot more alert and fun too.

The 28th I had my 6-week post-partum appointment. Passed w/ flying colors. Feelin' fine. Dad & Heidi & Cait left for PA. We lent them the better of our two cars. What are we going to need with two cars during break anyway? Wha ha ha...We had a quiet evening at home. Well, we had an evening at home. Maddie made sure it was anything but quiet. My poor baby's been having screaming fests pretty much nightly. At first we thought it was gas, and we'd actually put her on soy formula at the direction of the doctor - which stinks and stains, by the way - and it doesn't seem to be helping. If anything she's screaming more, but that's to be expected as we get closer to the aprox. 6-week-old peak of the wonderful world of colic (Colic is NOT gas pain. Not really. Colic is usually defined by the 'rule of 3's', in babies: Unexplained crying for 3 hours or more a day, 3 or more days a week, for at least 3 weeks, beginning usually around 3 weeks old, and usually ending by 3 months old...right around the time when the parents figure out what's going on and develop a method of dealing with it.) She's also constipated - sorry, didn't need to know that? Ha. You've never lived till you've till you've watched another (albeit, damn cute) human being poop, and were rooting for them all the way.

The 29th was SUPPOSED to be my shopping day. 4 gift cards to burn through, clothing inventory taken, list made, no bulky diaper bag, no stroller to push, no baby on the verge of wailing to wake the dead if the wind blows the wrong way...just me & my purse, like the Macy's commercial said. Or was that Sears? I get all set, Bob's got the kiddo, and of COURSE the car won't start. Turns over, won't actually do that whole CAR thing that cars do. And yes, that's right, our other car is in Pennsylvania. Thrilling. Bob's father thinks it's the fuel pump. I think it sucks. Not a major crisis, but it definitely complicates life a bit. Well, what would life be if it wasn't complicated? Boring.

Now it's midnight, Maddie is asleep - we're working on A) getting her to bed earlier and earlier because Mommy isn't into this whole 4 hours of sleep a night thing and B) putting herself to sleep - so we put her down to sleep drowsy, but not asleep, and somehow (I really have to read up on this) she's going to learn to put herself to sleep at night, and if she wakes up in the middle of the night. Cause Mommy and Daddy love sleep. They love sleep very much.

Which is what I have to do right now. I'm squandering my non-baby-duty night! Oh no!

It sucks, there's so much I want to write about this new-baby time, for her, for myself, for posterity, and cause I love writing...and the only time I have to type anything is when I'm exchanging sleep time for writing time. Which doesn't serve me well.

PS - sad cause I have to stop wearing my engagement ring because I keep grazing Maddie's little legs with the diamond setting when I'm changing her, and we can't have that, can we? The child-welfare people probably already know where I live. ;-)

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