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Thursday, December 07, 2006

December 7th - My 'busy' days

Ok, we've switched from the stupid pink pacifier to the little one with less of a nipple (hey, that should work!) so let's see how long we keep it in our mouth this time.

She let me get 5 1/2 hours of non-consecutive sleep last night. I know, shut up, I should be grateful. Tell that to my headache.

We're experimenting with the bouncy seat today, too. Haven't had much success, but we're going on 35 relatively happy minutes - punctuated by the wails resulting from a wandering paci every 3 minutes. But I'll take it. I tried for a nap - didn't happen. Grandmom & Pappy are visiting today, around 1:30. Hopefully after oohing and ahhing over their awesome little great-granddaughter they'll feel bad for me and volunteer to take keep an eye on her for an hour, and maybe I can get some shut-eye. Sleeping from 11:30 to 3 and then 'sort of' from 4 to 5:30 is great for a 2-week old baby. It's not so hot for her mommy. Me. Want. Sleep.

Ok, enough of my whining. I knew what I was getting into when I, well, got into this.

Mom came to 'rescue' me on Tuesday. I laid it on the line for her before she came: "I don't need you to clean my gutters or scour my toilet. I need you to take care of the baby so I can do what I think needs done. Oh, and a nap might be nice." And she came, and she did!

Ah, we went a whole paragraph without spitting out the paci and then freaking because "Oh my GAWD, where's my PACI?" Lovin' it. We're seeing improvements here, people!

I got to NAP, I got to clean, I got to cook dinner w/o interruption, and it was beautiful. Good stuff. That was Tuesday.

Wednesday, yesterday, was BUSY, and baby, did I like it that way. It felt like the first 'normal' day in a long time, strangly enough.

We figured out at 6AM that I'd have to drive Bob to school, w/ Maddie, because I had my Mom's Club meeting and although I COULD take my mom's car, I couldn't take Maddie in it - no carseat base installed. And we could have left her at home w/ Mom, but she graciously stayed up with her after I did her first late-night feeding at 1:00. So I got to sleep from 1:30 to 6!!! Yes, folks, there is a God, I got 5 1/2 hours of straight, beautiful sleep. It's like frickin' heroin. So Bob and I rushed around and got us and Maddie packed into the car, and Bob and I actually had a nice time talking and driving to school, like we used to do. It felt so normal! I realized I hadn't driven with him on that route in over a month, and we used to do it every day, and talk the whole time. Reconnection. A good thing. We got to show off baby from her carseat to a few teacher friends who passed by, and I drove home.

I had to quick feed Maddie, convince her to be sweet while I changed her into a Christmasy outfit that she wasn't particularly swimming in (we're still too small for most of the 0-3 month stuff) and pack Her Royal Pissiness into her carseat yet again -and the carseat is our enemy! Then we went to Mom's Club. Never been before, didn't know anybody, but I've done that situation before. It was nice. I actually struck up conversations with several mommies, and sicne it was their Christmas party, Santa was there for pictures. VERY cute photo op. Every mom there was so taken with Maddie...and hopefully not cursing me too loudly under her breath for bringing a newborn out into the cold and to a party. Nobody held her/touched her but me and Santa, relax. I signed up to go to two activities this month, and I'm supposedly going to be put into a playgroup that meets once a week. Granted, my kid doesn't 'play' much, but whatever. Social interaction is key, people. Meggie needs to resist turning into a Unibomber here.

Then we came home and my mom took care of baby for a while, and I got to CLEAN and do a half-decent job of putting up Christmas decorations. It's not where it should be - I can't find my garland, damn it! And getting the tree (this weekend???) will make it much nicer. But we're getting there. Saturday is Bob's day to watch the kiddo, and my day to spruce up the joint, Christmas tunes blaring. 'Tis the season for hurried decorating.

At 3:45 we had to leave to pick Daddy (Bobby!) up from school. And at 3:40 we had a diaper blow-out, on my mom's lap. Nice. So we slapped her in whatever clothes we could find, thinking that she'd only be in the car the whole time, and finally got on the road at 4. Picked up Daddy (met another teacher friend after yearbook club) and realized that there was no way we were going to make it to the pediatrician appointment at 6:30 if we were in Medford Lakes at 5:00 and the chicken wasn't even defrosted at home. LOVELY. Hello, Taco Bell. Changed my baby in a fast-food restroom for the first time, and I gotta say that it wasn't that hard. Bob fed her the bottle that I'd miraculously remembered to prepare and bring along while we were parked, and away we went to the Dr.'s...wearing a stupid outfit and no onsie (baby underwear). Greeaaat. DYFS is coming to get me now.

Her appointment went well; she hasn't gained much weight, but she's above her birth weight, which is what they want you to be at this point. We talked about the great breastfeeding crash of '06 and the doctor seemed pleased with what we were feeding her and how she was growing.

We came home at 7:15, and had a relatively nice evening until Maddie decided that NO, she was NOT going to bed at 10:00. Or 10:30. Or 11:00. At 11:30 she let out two major burps that sounded like they came out of somebody who would punctuate them with "Da Bears" and as swig of beer - and then she passed out till 3:30. Pretty decent.

No nap for the weary this morning, but as I said, Grandmom & Pappy might have mercy on me and let me nap. But there's only one more night until FRIDAY night, when I get to be off-duty and stay in bed the whole night. Bring it, baby.

And I'm thinking of suggesting that this thing where my mom comes and stays overnight one night and basically takes the baby whenever I need her to become a weekly thing.

And I'm getting the feeling that Bob's folks want to see Maddie more than every Sunday night - hmmm....

Ok. For my next post, I'm going to attempt to talk about something other than the baby.

Like Bob's evil boss putting in her 60 days. Or trying to find Bob a new position next year. Or the fact that I'd vote for Hillary, but I'd be the only one, and I'd really rather see a non-republican idiot in the white house. Edwards looks ok, although I was hoping not to have to listen to another W-like accent for 4 more years. Or about the fact that Bob's concert is next week - yay, he'll be done! Or that I'm going to my school's concert next week too, and I'm a little apprehensive about the kids suddenly having been turned into, well, a GOOD choir.

My Maddie is still awake and quiet. This is such a NEW and PLEASANT look for her. Awake, with no tears. Amazing. Well, we're growing and changing more each day.

Dude, Julie Andrews movie on lifetime. I could listen to her read the phone book.

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