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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

October 31st - less complaining this time

...cause there's just 3 days left!!!


I'm one of those shiny, happy people right now. Wanna know why? I mean, other than the 3 days left thing. On Monday we FINALLY hired me a sub. She taught a sample lesson to the worst 1st grade to come through my school in, well, ever, from what I've heard. She's got pre-K (Kindermusik) experience, up through middle school choir. She's set. She starts shadowing me tomorrow. I'm psyched.

Today was Halloween - nice, very nice. TIRING as Hell, but nice. I had 3 back-to-back classes (no pee time!) in the morning, and then my friend Stacey brought her twins in to socialize (and her husband, but he's nowhere near as entertaining). She had her daughter dressed as a pink octopus and her son dressed as a blue octopus and I DAMN the cute was running down the walls in there! She also brought me two more bags of baby clothes that Sophia grew out of - sweet!

Did the trick-or-treat thing, except for when Bob went out, cause I couldn't handle the seemingly rabid dog, the candy, the door, and the kid (the heavy one in my tummy) all at once. I turned the lights off and hid in the bedroom for 1/2 and hour instead. Trick or treat was technically over by then anyway. 2 to 6 around here. How stupid is that? Who's home at 2???

Called Dad and wished him a happy birthday (he's a Halloween baby) and go the update on all things in his world, including the Brian Wilson concert tomorrow. That's pretty cool, I'm sorry. Brian Wilson.

I'm SORT OF ready for Baby D. I mean, if she came now, we'd be fine. We have what we need for a newborn. And she COULD come now, that's what so weird...I tell ya what, I wouldn't mind waiting a few more weeks to have her, but I am SO done being pregnant. (I know, the two are kind of connected, whatever.) I mean it, DONE. I think your body does these things to you so that the torturous few weeks after baby comes home and isn't sleeping at night much don't seem so bad. I was up 6 times last night, and was completely awake, wired, at 5:30 AM. Lovely.

And speaking of sleep, it's time for some. Or at least some laying down and trying not to think about all the stuff that needs done at school tomorrow. Yeah, there's a lot left. But you know what?

3 days left!!!! So who cares????

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