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Sunday, November 05, 2006

November 5th - quickie

Done done done school. For 5 months. For twice as long as a summer, I'm not going to be teaching at DeMasi. I know. I still haven't wrapped my mind around it.

Lots to do left - Baby shower gift returns, Christmas cards, stationary, letter, gifts, wrapping, flu shots, disability pay, pre-registering for the hospital, figuring things out in general for post-baby time, and then there's the whole nursing bra wonderment that I won't get into to - at least not at the moment - to save any male readers the horror. Let's just say zippers may be involved, and zippers have no place on a bra, to my knowledge.

Ready for baby - but is she ready for us? I'm nervous about the whole labor & delivery thing somewhat, but feeling good about the actual bringing her home thing (except for perhaps having a few too many visitors for comfort), and really good about actually having a baby of our own. But the thing that bothers me most is the whole "unknown" of it all. When will she come? How will it go? Is that a major stretching session or a contraction I'm currently feeling? (This baby likes to stretch a lot. Hey, cramped in there? Come on out!) I'm definitely contracting more this week - I hadn't had any at my previous non-stress tests, and this week the monitor showed I was having them every few minutes, although they were the false-labor kind, and that's definite progress. Happy full-term to us!

I'd just like to take this moment to say that I really really really love Bob, he's incredible, he takes awesome care of me - and at times lately I need it, bad! Love my husband. The whole pregnant/baby thing is someting he handles beautifully. I'm a lucky one!


Well, I made it to 10 PM, it's officially a miracle. Bed time.

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