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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

It's a GIRL!!!

Yep, the dozens of people I talked to who looked at me and said, "You're having a boy" are sadly mistaken. Girl-time.

Baby was SO cooperative (thank you!) this time. The transducer was on my tummy not 30 seconds when the tech said, "Looks like a girl". They don't just look for the presence or absence of a penis, they have to see these little white lines (the labia I believe?) and that confirms that baby's definitely a SHE.

SO happy just to finally KNOW! It's wonderful! I don't know how people wait till the birth!

We're not sharing the name we picked out for her. I LOVE it though. I should have known that it was a girl, I was so in love with the girl name we picked, and had to be convinced on the boy name.
Baby looked very healthy, measuring right where she should be. I'm doing fine, too, everything was normal in the monthly tests they make you do.

We're unfortunately VERY tired, cause we had to get up at the ungodly hour of 8:30 this morning for the 10AM ultrasound & appointment. Then we buzzed over to Bob's parents house to share the news and pick up a few things we left on Sunday (me running purely on adrenaline and joy). We had party leftovers for lunch there and headed back to the house to clean before Mommom and Poppop (Bob's grandparents) came over for dinner. That went well, but it was stressful; you have to behave, make dinner, see that the dog doesn't eat them alive, etc. Actually, Max did really well. We're working on him with company a lot more. We want him to be the sweet, gentle, quite boy he his at home with us when people come over.
Now I just emailed everybody who's addresses I have about the GIRL and blogging and then hitting the hay, HARD.

Wow. I'm going to have a little girl. I'm going to have a daughter. WOW. Thank you!

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