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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Finally - The Baby Shower Post

Sunday we had our BIG baby shower. Bob's mom hosted it at her house. It was very nice! First of all, I was QUITE happy to already know about it. Got all prettied up (as prettied up as I get these days, which is sort of a version of socially acceptably presentable). My mom, grandmom and sister came up the night before and we all went out to Peter's - YAY!

I actually went to bed majorly early that night - Mom and Grandmom stayed at a hotel. Cait stayed at our house, but I feel no need to keep her entertained, and besides, she had homework to do.

Then Sunday came, and it was shower time. Yay.

The shower was all nicely decorated. Bob's mom did a baby clothes on the clothesline theme. VERY cute!
See, how cute is this?
There was an odd smattering of people there, but at least 2 or 3 people from every little group that we know; my family, my school friends, his highschool friends who I'm now friends with, his school friends, his mom's friends, his family - ok, there was a bit more than 3 of HIS family there. They're a bit more numerous. All told we had about 30 people, which was great.

The food was good - too many cheeses to try in one sitting, had to take the provelone and gouda home...mmm cheese... - and we all ate. I was a little worried about people mingling, I felt bad for my school friends, they didn't know many people. But I think it all worked out well.

And if not...hey, there's still all the baby gifts!!!

Bobby opening a cute bath set from Laura:

Bobby modeling some of the multitude of bows that came home with us later that day:
Lots of baby gear!!! clothesline cake!
And I got home and despite having stood way too much and had a waaay too long day, I actually laid out all the goodies for cataloging, and entered them in the baby book so I'd have a good list to write thank you notes from. I'm crazy. But we got tons of good stuff. Baby showers rock. Holy mountains of baby stuff, Batman.

Anyway, a GOOD experience. And I THINK we got most of what we need for the baby's arriaval. Most. I still have to take 'inventory' of all the clothes. We got a good number of clothes - and apparently someone spread the word about us not wanting to raise Barbie the Pink. A few pinks here and there, which is totally cool. But lots of cute blues and greens and yellow duckies everywhere - Bob even asked "what's with all the duckies?" today. Duckies come with the territory, baby.
We will be returning some stuff, not near the amount of stuff I'd anticipated, though. GOOD shower people, good!
Love it.
So right now her room is filled with categorized piles of baby gear that needs unpacked and put away somewhere. Somewhere. Holy crap, how does something so small require so much stuff?

Anyway, GOOD shower.

And now I must watch Gilmore Girls.

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