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Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11th - Weekend = Bite of summer

Despite the fact that I haven't been back to school yet (don't throw things at me, it's not my fault!) this weekend actually felt like a real weekend, since Bob was already on the school schedule. Friday night Wal-Mart run. Saturday went to the Baby Fair (at Wal-mart), cleaned some, puttered, Bob made his sauce, relaxed. Sunday went BACK to Wal-Mart because we forgot one of the bags of groceries there (I swear the clerk didn't turn the spinny bag-holding thing around to face us, I always check it) and they were surprisingly very nice about letting me go back and re-shop for the 8 or so things we missed. SO I was at Wal-Mart 3 times in one weekend. The mounted deer head and trailer hitch for our house are coming next week.

We had Bob's parents over yesterday for a nice dinner - it was their 29th anniversary. I think they really appreciated it. Bob's mom did, definitely, because we came inside after eating on the patio and she grabbed and hugged me and said, "Thank you SOOOO much for our nice dinner!" That supplied a warm-glowy feeling for hours. :-) I started the day by making a marinade from scratch.

That's right people! I can cook! (Sort of.) I'd read a few recipes online and we didn't have all the ingredients, and since I'm out to save $, I decided to make one myself rather than making a 4th trip to the stinkin' store and buying a bottle one. Soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, the juice of a whole lemon, garlic, onion powder, and parsley. Poke the London Broil, pour the marinade into a bag, and let the meat soak in there for 8 hours. DAMN it was good. Do I know how much soy, etc., I put in? Please, do I look like Alton Brown? Rachel Ray? Paula Dean? (if you say yes to Paula Dean or Alton Brown I will come and find you.)

The dogs played, we all talked, and water ice was had by all. Oooh and an ice cream roll from Friendly's. Cause we looooove Friendly's (now that I don't work there.)

It was very nice. Bob and then posted our baby's 2nd NAME GAME CLUE.
It's not so much that we're obsessed and geeky anymore. Rather, it's that it is delicious fun to know something that other people don't know. Bob's mom rushed home to check it when we said we were going to post it that night. Lots of good guesses, I must say! Keep 'em coming. You can't win if you don't play.

Speaking of, Bob's grandparents went to Atlantic City Saturday night and won over $1,000!
How cool is that? I love when sweet old people win stuff.

Well, I have to crate the dog and actually put on some make-up and shoes, now. I'm meeting Stacey at the mall w/ her two kiddos (yay, I get to play with cute babies!!!) We're having a Get-Me-Out-Of-The-House day. Complete with junk food.

I'm quite happy about this.

All and all, it was a nice little bite of summer weekend. Just felt like a mini-vacation. Well, since I forget what weekends feel like, it was quite refreshing. I can't WAIT to go to school on Wednesday, of course.

OOH! One more thing - last night, Baby D. officially got the hiccups! I was sitting there thinking, "Man, she's moving a lot tonight!" and I realized that her movements were pretty much keeping a steady beat. Being a primary school music teacher, I got very excited that my unborn child can complete a Kindergarten-level competency...ok, seriously, though, she had the hiccups!! It's the coolest feeling... your tummy just jerks to the beat for a while, lightly. So fun, this kid is.

More later, when I get my rear in gear.

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