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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

August 15th & 16th - Tons and then nothin'

So we got up early yesterday to go into school to assess the damage from the water leak above my classroom & storage room. It was amazing to see the school in the state it was in - no carpet, boxes and construction equipment everywhere, guys in hard hats, etc. It was a tad depressing, actually. My stuff wasn't in that bad a state - one of my xylo's, of course an expensive Suzuki, still had water IN it, so that one's gone. The others seemed ok. The shelves inside the storage cabinets were warped and damaged, so those have to be replaced. And ALL the posters, b-boards stuff, and borders HAD been wet. Sue (my principal) wanted me to just say "toss" to all of it, but I actually MADE a lot of that stuff by hand, especially the bulliten board stuff, so I want to pick through it all and keep and toss as I see fit. She said that was fine, but to remember that they WILL buy me new, so I didn't have to keep anything that was the least bit replaceable. Another teacher, this Kindergarten lady who's been teaching for years and is on her way out the door, possibly this year, also came in, because we share the storage room and some of her stuff got wet, too. Not much, mind you. My room was the one that actually got flooded. Like, there was a PUDDLE on the floor in there still. But the dear lady went nuts and freaked out that she had PERSONAL stuff in there (we were told to take everything personal with us, and to pack up anything essential for the start of the school year and either take it home or have it stored in another part of the building). Well she was all up in arms because "who's going to help me sort through all this and clean this up and I WILL be getting paid extra for doing all that extra work!" and so on. I was actually embarrassed. I know she's older (50's) and she has health problems (knees) and she's crotchedy (been running after 5 year olds too long and is more interested in her other job, real estate, which she does WHILE at school, taking calls on her cell all day long). We explored the rest of the damage - my other instrument storage cabinet that's in my room, not the storage room, got flooded, although it looks like most of it is fine, and all my soffits have to be replaced, and most of my cabinets... and the Kindergarten teacher's the one who's freaking?
Honestly, I'm prepared to start the year on a cart - we were told that was a distinct possibility if the school wasn't done and we had to room-in with another school in the district. Even if the school is ready in a month - which is probable, without more set-backs - I don't know HOW they're going to get all that done in my room and have it ready on the 18th. Yeah, it may be me waddling down the hallway with a cart for a week or two anyway. Yippee. At least it'll be at MY school, where even if I don't have my own room, I have friends and can crash in their rooms for a nap whenever. (I will be 7 + months pregnant and I'm sure feeling OH so walrus-like by then.)

Boy, that was a school-related tangent. Off we went then to the doctor's, still marveling at the bitchiness of my fellow teacher. We got there majorly early, but the good thing about my OB practice is they usually take you early, too. Well we were seen for the ultrasound pretty quickly, and the tech asked why we were scheduled for one when we'd just had a full growth scan on the 1st, and we were scheduled for our next on the 25th - 10 days away. I said I had no idea, except that the tech at the practice (not the hospital where they do my growth scans) said that they couldn't get the cord and the spine. Well apparently they got it fine at the hospital on the 1st, and she kind of asked if we wouldn't mind not having one. Considering the sore spot on my hip had just recently gone away from the pumelling I took on the 1st, I was like, THAT'S FINE, BYE! It's so amusing, in the beginning I would have been sorely disappointed if we went in and didn't get an ultrasound. Now I'm like, "whatever, see you in a week and a half". I think knowing it's a girl helps.

The appointment with the doctor was fine - a MALE doctor, how weird! Actually, he was fine. We asked him our round of questions which I will spare any readers now, and we got good answers to them all. Everything was fine; I worry about my blood pressure creeping up since pre-eclampsia is such a concern with gestational diabetes patients, but it was fine.
Oh, and I lost 8 pounds. Yep, that makes 10 in two months. Why the hell couldn't I do this when I WASN'T pregnant? My mom says that they tell you that babies take up 300 extra calories a day, but that's just an average, and many, like my sister, take up much more. Mom lost weight until her 8th month with Cait. Bring it, baby. As long as she's growing well, I SOOO don't mind not having any baby weight to lose. I'll have a ton of MEG weight to lose anyway. Hopefully nursing will take care of that, I hear it's fabulous for taking the pounds off, since it burns upwards of 500 calories a day extra. Again, BRING IT, baby! It would be SO nice to come out of this baby thing a smaller size than I did going in. (After she's a year old or so and I have to start thinking about baby #2 soon!)

So after the appointment we went to Hallmark to update Bob's mom on baby's progress. She told me that the baby shower requested guest list I gave her was a BIT too much, since it's going to be a house shower. I don't mind that much. I just cut most of my school friends off, since I'll have a school shower anyway. There are some people that I just HAVE to invite, because they're out-of-school friends as well, and that cut the list down nicely. I also hadn't heard from several old friends who I'd written to to ask for updated addresses, and she wants to send invites out ASAP, so I guess they're off, too. Oh well. Most of them live far away and wouldn't be able to come anyway. I'm just psyched that A) I know about the shower so I can make sure I don't look like crap and B) Bob will get to be there and open gifts. Plus he'll get to eat the yummy shower food too.

THEN we went home and napped and two packages arrived; one from my Dad, the 8th season of "The Simpsons" on DVD, a little 'thank-you-in-advance-for-having-me' gift (he's visiting next week from CA!) and a package from Pfaltzgraft (sp?) of extra dishes for our pattern that my mother odered while she was here last week. I LOVE them, even though I wish she hadn't spent the money. 2 little baby dishes in our pattern too!

THEN I met my friend Cathy, another music teacher in the district, at the mall. We were both in a "let's get out of the house and not spend too much money doing it" mood. She brought her little girl, Kayla along, who's 2 1/2, and let me tell ya, the BEST behaved toddler I've ever met, hands-down. Ok, have you ever met a toddler who would say 'excuse me' when she wanted to tell you something and you were talking to her mom? I rest my case. And potty-trained in a week. Damn, girl. I was like, "Kathy, will you please come teach a parenting class?" So we ate at the food court and shopped for maternity clothes together - she's 14 weeks preggers with her 2nd!!! and just walked - slowly - around the mall together. We were both sweaty and out of breath by the end, because we're pregnant chicks and that's pretty much your life, especially when walking around a big mall twice. Her husband is a band director, too. And she plays horn, he plays trumpet. It's uncanny, some of the things we have in common with this couple. Oh, and if we had had a kid right after we got married like they did, ours would be about Kayla's age and we'd be baking #2 right now instead of #1. But it's nice to have another person to pump for baby info. She asked me if it had occured to me that I was actually going to have to push this kid out of me in 3 months. Um... surpressing urge to scream and run away now...

After I came home we made dinner - rubbed chicken and peppers on the grill with mashers - and ate on the deck, we ran out to ShopRite to get some icecream for Bob. He's been a VERY good boy with all this health-eating crapola, he deserves to have some icecream in the house that doesn't say "Splenda" on it.

And then bed. And now today, NADDA. Seriously, I'm not going NOWHERE. And I'm one of those must-go-somewhere-each-day people. Yesterday wore me out SO bad that I'm going to sit on my ass and do NADDA, followed by extended periods of reading, a possible nap, maybe a swim, and if I do anything productive at all, it'll just be taking the winter quilts out of the cedar chest and washing them. BIG importnat stuff. Nope, not doing nothing.

Tomorrow we go to Gettysburg for 3 days .

And on the BIG NEWS DESK TODAY: 99 days till baby's due. We're now in double-digits, people. HOLY SHLAMOLY!

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