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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

August 1st - Nervous

Boy, when they schedule you, they really schedule you!

Today we have baby's fetal echocardiogram at 11:45 - a specialized ultrasound that can detectsheart deffects. It's just a precaution, because I may have been diabetic before getting pregnant and not known it...although I had NO symptoms and failed NO sugar-in-the-urine tests before I flunked the sugar processing test back in June that lead to all this GD nonsense.
Then at 3:00 we have her 2nd growth scan - measures head, waist, and leg to make sure she's growing at a good rate. GD or regular diabetes can make baby grow faster than she should and give her low blood sugar at birth, lungs/heart that can't support her bigger body, and also give me a HELL of a lot more issues getting her out. Usually if baby's too big they induce you early or order a C-section, both things I'd rather avoid. (Early = baby didn't have all the time she could have 'baking' in there and C-section means longer hospital stay, longer recovery time, and no stairs for weeks after the, I live in a split level, that's not going to work!)
Then AFTER the growth scan we have our monthly perinatologist appointment, to sum things up from both ultrasounds and talk about the GD, the baby's development, my symptoms - I feel like a lab rat, is that a symptom?
And I just realized I forgot to take my sugar this morning. Grrr...I'm all out of whack today.

Anyway, nervous about the fetal echo the most. Heart deffects are no laughing matter. Although I did some research (i. e. googled it) and most people with them have interventions like medication or surgery while they're very young and they do just fine. There's one kind in particular that seems to have a very bleak outlook, but other than that, they do seem to be treatable with pretty high success rates.
And this is only a real concern if I actually had real diabetes. Which I still don't know about. Sometimes I'm like, "of COURSE I did, it's in my family, I failed the sugar processing test badly, and they gave it to me way earlier than most women get it in their pregnancies, they must have known." And sometimes I think, "I never failed a sugar test in the OB's office, and to my knowledge I didn't have any of the symptoms. Why should I worry?
See, I had a blood sugar test along w/ a test for other stuff when I started working for Evesham - for insurance purposes. The doc called and said my blood sugar was too high for fasting and I was like, "Um, nobody told me I had to fast!" He said I should get a re-test...and I never really did. I felt fine. I'd also been living on fruit punch that week.

We'll see. A little scared here. Will update.

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